1. 英文工作申请翻译 To whom it may concerm,
I am writing this letter for the full time job position as a XXX, and based on my academic performance and my past working experience, I think I can be a qualified candidate for the company.
During my past years studies at XXX, I majored in XXX and achienved an overall GPA of 3.XX, and I also had several interniships at XXX company, XXX company. 然后写下你具体perform了些什么工作 。
Thank you for reading my letter, and my contact number is 133-3333-3333, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
【申请职位英文怎么写】Your name
2. 英文的工作申请信怎么写 原发布者:giegui
DearSirorMadam, I'mwritinginresponsetotheadvertisementyouplacedinChicagoNewsdailyforalibrarianonMonday,Aug.23. 亲爱的先生/女士: 我是看到你们8月23日星期一在《芝加哥新闻日报》上招聘图书管理员的广告后才写此信的 。IgraduatedwithaMaster'sdegreeintelecommunicationsin1992andbeganmycareeratCaliforniaStateUniversityasayoungteacher.In2002,IwaspromotedtoassociateprofessorandDeputyDirectoroftheDepartmentofTelecomEngineering. 我于1992年硕士毕业 , 专业为电讯 , 然后便成为加利福尼亚州立大学的一名年青教师 。2002年 , 我晋升副教授、电讯工程系副主任 。Inthepasttenyears,Ihavebeenactivelyinvolvedinacademicresearchesandhavepublishedseveralarticlesin“TelecomNow”,“EngineeringResearch”and“TelecomStrategies”.Ialsoteachmarketingstrategiesonapart-timebasisattheuniversity. 在过去的十年里 , 我积极从事学术研究 , 并在《当今电讯》、《工程研究》和《电讯战略》上发表了多篇文章 。我还兼职在本校教授市场战略 。However,myhusbandhasrecentlybeenrelocatedtoChicagobyhiscompanyandIam,therefore,seekingapositioninthesameareainChicago. 然而 , 我丈夫最近被其所在的公司调往芝加哥 , 因此 ,
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