
1. "求职信"用英语怎么说 求职信:application letter
1. 在求职信的开头一定要说明你要求某某工作,理由是 。.
Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such (a job) because 。
2. 我写了五份求职信,但一无所获 。
I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing.
3. 寄一封手写的申请信或求职信 。
Send a letter of application in your own handwriting.Received a flood of applications.
I wrote five applications for jobs but got nothing.
我写了五份求职信,但一无所获 。
Send a letter of application in your own handwriting.
寄一封手写的申请信或求职信 。
So many applications were received for the post that the secretary was snowed under.
接到这么多的求职信,秘书忙得不可开交 。
The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing.
失业的工程师一连写了十几份求职信,但一无所获 。
It is more professional to send in a typed rather than a handwritten letter of application.
更带职业性色彩的是寄打字机打的求职信,而不是寄手写的 。
May I use your name as a reference? ie May I quote it, eg when I apply for a job?
a message describing how something is to be done.
描述如何做谋事的信息 。
An application form is enclosed in this letter.
这封信里有一份求职表 。
2. 英语作文 写求职信 Hello, I am a Bohai University English graduate student, I hope I can make your school a temporary English teacher. I like to get along with kids(children), and my English is very fluent(good). Although I am not rich teaching experience, but I will do my best. i hope the school will give me a chance. Thank you
你好,我是一个渤海大学英语专业毕业的学生,我十分希望到你们学校做临时的英语教师 。我很喜欢与孩子们相处,而且我的英语也很流利 。虽然我没有丰富的教学经验,但是我一定会尽全力做到最好的 。希望学校能给我一次机会 。谢谢
3. 怎样用英语写求职信 英语求职信范例 Dear Sirs, Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in "Yangcheng Evening News" of April 9. I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company. For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date. Sincerely yours, xxx 英语求职信范例2 Ryan Tolbech 4532 Cahilloval San Angelo, TX 76902 (915) 942-9313 December 2, 19-- BT&K 2000 18th Street Suite 300 San Angelo, TX 76902 Attention: Senior Creative Director I am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the May issue of Advertising Age for a Production Artist. I believe I have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position. I have extensive layout and design experience and enjoy working on precise, detailed projects. My background in 4-color production, camera work, and desktop publishing systems would also be an asset to your company. Working under tight deadlines is the standard of the advertising industry that I come from, and is not a problem for me. I look forward to meeting with you personally, and reviewing the needs of BT&K in greater detail. I can be reached at the above telephone number. Let's talk soon, Ryan Tolbech 下面几个英语写作网,有英文自我介绍,应聘/简历等职业的各个方面的,你可以根据自己的情况,参考下写作格式和内容:)~~ 英语写作网:)~里面有分类的 #5009 英语应聘/简历等职业写作网,很全的:)~~ .cn/gao2/English/lanmu.php?size=comp 。