
1. 英语课前演讲怎么写 大家好 , 经天我给大家讲一个爱情故事 , 从前 , 一个男孩走在大街上 , 嘴里哼哼着 , 看见前面一漂亮MM 。。。。苦无搭讪的办法 。。于是 。。。。捡起一块砖头 。。。上 前 。。“同学 , 这是你掉的吧?” 呵呵 , 开一个玩笑 , 那不是今天的主题 , 以下才是真正的爱情故事: 他因车祸失明 , 不知她长什么样子 。不幸接踵而来 , 她被查出了胃癌 。临终前 , 她将眼角膜移植给了他 。恢复光明后 , 他做的第一件事就是找她的照片 , 最终一无所获 。唯有一张纸片 , 上面的片言只语让他潸然泪下:下一个你爱上的人 , 就是我的模样 。—— 有一种爱 , 不需要你铭记 , 只要你能幸福 。
阿里旺旺 2012年03月
hello ,everyone ,today is my turn to tell you a love story, once upon a time, a boy was walking in the street, his mouth humming,when he saw a beautiful MM ahead 。having no way to say hello to her。he picked up a brick,saying to her .lady, is this something you dropped off?
Ha ha,it isa joke,its not todays theme. the following is the true love story i will tell:
because ofcar accident he was blind, and didt know what she looked like. Unfortunately , shewas detected that she had stomach cancer. Before his death, she gave his cornea to him. after recoveryfrom the blindness, the first thing he did wastolook for her picture,finding nothing buta piece of paper, the wordsin itmade him shed tears: the next oneyou love is the person wholooks like me.
There is a kind of love,which doesntneed to be remembered but hopes you canbehappy.
顺其自然 2012年03月
从前 , 一个男孩走在大街上
2. 上课 用英语 怎么说 老师上课前说:上课 。
应该是:Classes begin.
或 Class begins.
上面两个句子都是有两个词构成;第一个是名词作主语 , 第二个是动词作谓语 。构成主谓结构 。
不是class begin , 也不是class is begin 。
【课前英语怎么写】首先 , 说这句的语法:class表示课 , 是单数形式 , 
做主语时 , 它后面接的动词应该是动词的单三式begins;
如果是复数形式classes , 后面的动词用原型begin.
begin表示“开始” , 是个实义动词 , 它的前面是不能用系动词is的 , 这样的句子结构是不对的 。
is用于句子中 , 后面接形容词或名词及名词短语用来构成主系表结构的;
如:She is beautiful. / He is a student.
is后面接动词ing形式构成 , 现在进行时结构;
如:The boy is writing a letter.
The bike is made in China.
is后接going to结构构成一般将来时时态 。
He is going to have a picnic next week.
注意:is后面是不能直接接动词原型的 。
3. 帮我翻译一段英语 快说吧 , 我很快的
It's universally acknowledged that HaiNan Interenational tourism island need a great many superior
student who master English very well.Therefore,we high(高中)middle(初中) (你是高中还是初中选一个)school student should try our best to learn English in order to win in the competition of finding a job.
But what should we do in such situation?First,we should study English gramma everyday before
class.Second,we should listen to our teachers carefully in class.Last but not least,we should read English books aloud without hesitation after class