
1. My family 的英语作文怎么写 我的一家 , 真可谓人才济济:妈妈是位劳动能手 , 爸爸是位说笑话能手 , 哥哥是位睡觉能手 , 而我呢 , 哎 , 可真有点不好意思说出来 , 暂时搁一搁吧.妈妈属牛 , 的确 , 她的脾气 , 性格与牛没什么两样.每天 , 妈妈早早就起了床 , 又要买菜 , 又要为我们烧早饭.整个家庭 , 只要妈妈在家 , 家里处处变得井井有条.一天 , 妈妈上完夜班 , 回到家里 , 一看 , 大吃一惊:"6点15分啦 , 快起床!"她没等我和爸爸 , 哥哥起来 , 就立刻跑进厨房 , 又是烧早饭 , 又是热牛奶 , 还飞快地拣菜 , 做菜.因为她知道 , 爸爸今天要出差 , 哥哥和我则要参加期终考试 , 都要加强营养呢.一会儿 , 我们都起床了.等我们洗完脸 , 一看餐桌上摆的 , 啊 , 热气腾腾的饭菜 , 真吸引人啊.我们不约而同地看了妈妈一眼 , 打心眼里佩服她 , 不愧是劳动能手啊!妈妈在家里干的活最多 , 但她始终没有一句怨言.妈妈多么像那勤恳劳动而又憨厚诚实的牛啊! A family of mine, really may well be termed the galaxy of talent: Mother whether person trouble expert, my father whether person crack a joke expert, the elder brother is a sleep expert, and I, hey, it is really a little too shy to say, put temporarily. Mother belongs to the ox, indeed, her temper, personality and ox are different. Every day, mother gets up early, and also buy vegetables, and also cook the breakfast for us. The whole family, only mother is at home, the family makes methodically everywhere.One day, mother finish night shift, come back home, see suddenly, greatly surprised: " 15 past 6, get up quickly! " She has not waited for fathered and me, as soon as the elder brother stands up, the elder brother run into the kitchen at once, cook the breakfast, it is the warm milk, still choose dishes quickly, cook. Because she knows, my father will go on business today, elder brother and I should participate in the end-of-term examination, strengthen nutrition. For a moment, all of us got up. Wash face when us, see dining table wave, Ah, steaming hot meal, very attractive. We have cast a look at mother simultaneously, admire her from the bottom of the heart, prove to be and trouble the expert! Work that mother does at home is most, but she does not have a complaint all the time. How mother looks like that industrious working and straightforward and good-natured and honest ox! 爸爸属兔 , 他可不像妈妈这样.他呀 , 就那么懒 , 整天只知道花呀草呀 , 也不知道妈妈家务劳动有多么累 , 帮妈妈做点事.可也真不错 , 就是笑话多.每天晚饭后 , 爸爸总要捕捉几个生活细节 , 说几句幽默 , 诙谐的话 , 逗得全家人笑个不停. My father belongs to the rabbit, he is not like mother. He, so lazy, only knows the flower grass all day, does not know either how tired mother's house work is, help mother to do some things. But pretty good, but laugh at it more. After supper, my father always catches several trifling matters of everyday life, talk about several sentences of humour every day, if humorous, it needs the whole family to continue laughing to banter. 哥哥是我家第二号大懒虫 , 只知道睡觉.有一次半夜地震 , 也没把他震醒 , 妈妈推了他好半天 , 他才哼了一声.事后爸爸逗他说:"你是属鸡的 , 但你不是公鸡 , 公鸡催人早起 , 你是贪睡怕动的抱窝鸡!"说得大家都大笑起来. 我嘛 , 我属老鼠的 , 跟哥哥完全两样 , 一点也不爱睡觉.我呀 , 嘻嘻 , 跟老鼠差不多 , 贪吃 , 好动.有一次妈妈买回一斤华夫饼干 , 第二天 , 我偷偷地吃掉了一半.妈妈不知道 , 还冤枉哥哥呢.现在你们明白我是什么能手了吧. The elder brother is a big lazy worm No. two of my home, only know that sleeps. There is an earthquake at midnight, has not shaken him to wake up either, mother pushes him for much time, he has grunted. Father banters him and says afterwards: " whether you to belong to chicken, but you cock, cock urge people get up early, you greedy to sleep, afraid of move sit on eggs chicken! " It needs everybody to begin to laugh to speak. I, I belong to the mouse, totally different with the elder brother, do not like sleeping at all. I, ha ha, similar to mouse, gluttonous, active. Once mother bought back 0.5 kilograms of wafer, the next day, I ate up half stealthily. Mother does not know, are wronging the elder brother. Now you understand what expert I am. 瞧 , 又是一个晚上 , 妈妈在缝衣服 , 爸爸的笑话盒子又打开了 , "哈哈哈 , 哈哈哈……"阵阵笑声不断传出窗外. Look, it is one night, mother is sewing the clothes, my father's joke box has been also opened, "Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha ……"A burst of laughs are spreading out of outside the window constantly. 。