
1.我想你的英文“我想你”英文除了"I miss you."还可以说:
①I've been thinking of you every day and night.
我日夜思念你 。
②There is nothing but you in my mind.
我心里除了你什么都没有 。
③I yearn much toward my friends.
我好想念你 。
④My heart ached for you.
我心里一直惦记你 。
⑤I sighed for you.
我非常想念你 。
①I am longing for you all the time.
我每时每刻都在思念着你 。
②I am dearly cherish the memory of you.
我深切地想念你 。
③I am languished for the sight of you.
我苦苦地渴望见到你 。
2.我喜欢你的全部 英语怎么写英语:I like all of you
1. I love your all.
2. You all my love.
你的一起我都很喜欢 。
3. I like everything about you.
我喜欢你的一切 。
1. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You're a quintessential part of ever.
我打心底喜欢你的全部,你是一个典范的部分 。
2. You are aware of my attitude toward Russia - to say that I don't like this country is to not say allof it.
你明白我对俄罗斯的看法——我说不喜欢这个国家并不代表不喜欢它的全部 。
3. I like your plan, now tell me all the details.
我喜欢你的计划,请把全部细节告诉我 。
4. I like you, all because you'know the feeling that i like you.
我喜欢你的一切理由只因为你知道我喜欢你的感受 。
5. I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how special I am.
我喜欢你的一切,尤其是你让我觉得我自己是多么特别的 。
3.你怎么了用英语怎么写"你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you 。
1、What is wrong with you;
【你和我的英语怎么写】2、Is that what you got;
3、What happened to you;
4、What's the matter with you 。
在“What's wrong with you”中:“What's wrong”表示:怎么了;“you”表示:你 。连起来便是“你怎么了”的意思 。
“What's wrong with you?”表示:“你怎么了?你怎么回事?”时是情绪带有震惊、谴责性质的 。"What's wrong"里包含了一些"出问题"的意思 。这句话可以用在当你看到朋友做了一些不可思议的事情时,表达一种惊叹 。
1、What's the matter? You look sad today.
2、What's going on?
4.“想你了”用英语怎么说英文翻译为I miss you.
英 [a?] 美 [a?]
pron.我;个人;利己主义者 。
英 [m?s] 美 [m?s]
n.女士;(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;失误 。
v.思念;漏掉;错过;没遇到 。
英 [ju] 美 [j?]
pron.你;大家;你们 。
1、When a girl syas I miss you, no one in this world can miss you more thanthat.
当女人说我想你时,在这世上没有人比她更想你了 。
2、I really didnt know your empty place would be so burdensome. I miss you.
我从来都不知道你那空旷的地方可以那么沉重,我想你了 。
1、我也想你英文翻译为I missed you, too.
例句:Mother Forg: Honey, I miss you, too. Let's go home.
蛙妈妈说:亲爱的,我也想你 。我们回家吧 。
2、我爱你英文翻译为I love you.
例句:Women in the North complain that their hubbies find it difficult to say 'I loveyou.'