
1. 很简单的英语怎么写 很简单的英语:very simple 。
The matter is very simple.那个事情很简单 。
Choosing a career is very simple.择业其实很简单 。
In fact, happiness is very simple .幸福其实很简单 。
Life is very simple.生活其实很简单 。
用very simple造句:
1、These are very simple requirements, but they must be conformed with.这些要求很简单,但必须遵守 。
2、The answer is very simple. It is all in how they perceive their problems.答案很简单,全看他们是如何看待自己面临的难题的 。
3、See, it looked like scary equations but the solution is very simple.看起来这些等式都很复杂但是结果却是很简单 。
4、It could run on a very simple kind of computer.它可以在一个很简单的计算机上执行 。
5、When I gave my cause of failures lecture we talked about the heat in must equal the heat out, a very simple concept.当我上关于失效的课是,我们谈论了进入的热量必须等于出去的热量,一个很简单的概念 。
2. 很简单的英语怎么写 很简单的英语:very simple 。
很简单的短语:The matter is very simple.那个事情很简单 。Choosing a career is very simple.择业其实很简单 。
【简单的用英语怎么写】In fact, happiness is very simple .幸福其实很简单 。Life is very simple.生活其实很简单 。
扩展资料用very simple造句:1、These are very simple requirements, but they must be conformed with.这些要求很简单,但必须遵守 。2、The answer is very simple. It is all in how they perceive their problems.答案很简单,全看他们是如何看待自己面临的难题的 。
3、See, it looked like scary equations but the solution is very simple.看起来这些等式都很复杂但是结果却是很简单 。4、It could run on a very simple kind of computer.它可以在一个很简单的计算机上执行 。
5、When I gave my cause of failures lecture we talked about the heat in must equal the heat out, a very simple concept.当我上关于失效的课是,我们谈论了进入的热量必须等于出去的热量,一个很简单的概念 。
3. 简单用英语怎么写都 你好!
simple 英[?s?mpl] 美[?s?mp?l]
adj. 简单的; 单纯的; 易受骗的; 天真的;
n. 笨蛋; 愚蠢的行为; 出身低微者;
[例句]Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind.
佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂 。
4. 简单的英文怎么读 simple [??simpl] adj. 简单的; 容易的 He wrote a story in simple English. 他用简单的英语写了一则故事 。朴素的; 简朴的 We use bricks and branches of trees to form a simple shelter. 我们用砖和树枝搭成一个简陋的避难所 。自然的; 率直的; 天真的 He is a simple and well liked man. 他是一个纯朴可爱的人 。易受骗的; 迟钝的,头脑简单的 You may be joking but she's simple enough to believe you. 你也许是在开玩笑,但她却愚蠢得信以为真 。straightforward [streit??f??:w??d] adj. (人或其态度)正直的,坦率的; 老实的 She gave me a straightfor-ward answer. 她坦率地回答了我 。简单的; 易懂的 This is a straightforward task. 这是一项很容易完成的任务 。

