
1.饮水思源英文怎么写啊饮水思源 [词典] When one drinks water, one must not forget where it comes from.; be unforgetful of those who fought to make the present possible for us; gratitude for the source of benefit; never forget where one's happiness comes from; [例句]同时,我们还要饮水思源,尊师感恩 。
At the same time, we have to drink from the source, respecting teachers, Thanksgiving 。. 。
Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.
一只乌鸦口渴了,到处找水喝 。乌鸦看见一个瓶子,瓶子里有水 。可是瓶子里水不多,瓶口又小,乌鸦喝不着水,怎么办呢?
乌鸦看见旁边有许多小石子,想出办法来了 。
乌鸦把小石子一个一个地放进瓶子里 。瓶子里的水渐渐升高,乌鸦就喝着水了 。
3.水用英文怎么说意思 water 名词 n. 1. 水[u] Fish live in water. 鱼生活在水中 。
2. (江、湖、海等的)水体;大片的水. Those plants can grow only in deep waters. 那些植物只能在深水中生长 。3. 水位,潮位[U] 4. (生物体内的)流体,分泌液;尿;泪[U] 5. (国家的)海域,领海[P] The ship was in European waters. 船在欧洲水域航行 。
6. 【商】(超过实际资产的)估值(或股额);虚股 及物动词 vt. 1. 给 。浇水,灌溉 The flowers need watering. 这些花需浇浇水 。
2. 给 。水;给 。
供水 This village is watered by deep wells. 这个村庄靠深井供水 。3. 搀水冲淡,加水稀释 The milk they sold was watered. 他们卖的牛奶是搀了水的 。
不及物动词 vi. 1. 流泪;流口水 The child's mouth watered for chocolate. 那孩子因想吃巧克力而淌口水 。The smoke made my eyes water. 烟把我的眼泪都熏出来了 。
2. (船等)加水 3. (动物)饮水 。
4.以浪费水资源为题,写一篇说明文,英语,怎么写开头地球是我们的母亲,是人们的家园.水是我们的生命之源.可是地球上的水资源却在逐渐减少,我国又是严重缺水的国家,我国仅有的淡水资源却被飞速发展的新兴工业排放的废水而严重污染,造成水产养殖户大量经济损失,这样的事例不胜枚举.就我市来说,前几年,由于我市沿太湖周边的化工行业等企业排放的废水,造成了太湖蓝藻的大量暴发,使太湖水无法饮用,给太湖及周边城镇饮水带来困难,一度造成瓶装水供不应求.The earth is our mother,is our homeland.Water is oursource of life.But the earth's water resources are graduallyreduced,and our country is a serious water shortage in the country,only fresh water resources in our country has beenthe rapid development of the emerging industrialwastewater and serious pollution,resulting in great economic losses in aquaculture households,be too numerous to enumerate instances.In my city,a few years ago,due to wastewater along around Taihu City chemical industry enterprises emissions,resulting in a large outbreakof blue algae in Taihu lake,the Taihu water is not potable,brings the difficulty for Taihu and surrounding urbandrinking water,once caused the bottled water supply.有些企业只顾追遂经济利益,置人民的生命而不顾,把工业废水继续用各种手段排放到河里,造成水源的继续恶化,这种行为是可耻的,不道德的,是犯罪.Some enterprises only after then economic interests,thepeople's life and disregard,to continue to use various means of industrial waste water discharged into the river,causing water continues to deteriorate,this behavior is shameful,immoral,is a crime.为把我们的家园恢复到以前的蓝天、白云、青山、碧水,为保护我们仅有的、越来越稀缺的水资源,既要政府加强监管力度和防治的手段,又要我们每一个人必须从我做起,要做到节约用水,不开长流水,人离水龙头即断水,洗衣、洗菜、洗澡的水翻覆利用不浪费,用于拖地及冲厕所,节约每一滴水,既保护了水资源,又节约了家庭的经济开支,真是一举两得,何乐而不为呢!As our homes to restore to the previous blue sky,white clouds,green mountains,clear water,in order to protectour only,increasingly scarce water resources,both to thegovernment strengthen the supervision and control of themeans,and every one of us must begin from me,to achievewater conservation,not open long flowing water,people from the tap that is,water use,waste not overturnedwashing,wash dishes,take a shower water,to mop the floorand flushing toilets,save every drop of water,protect water resources,and saving the family economic expenditure,it isshoot two hawks with one arrow,what is there against it!珍惜水资源,从现在做起,从我做起,加强保护水资源的意识,不要让最后一滴水成为眼泪Cherish water resources,from now on,begin from me,and strengthen water resources protection consciousness,do not let the last drop of tears 。