如何书写英文邮件-1-英文电子邮件的重要性商务32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333433623736英语电子邮件以其方便快捷,在现代商务活动中起着重要作用 。商务往来中的电子邮件代表着公司的形象,显示着公司的水平和实力,直接影响到客户对公司的评估 。所以,商务电子邮件的写作在业务往来中占据着举足轻重的地位 。据调查,约有88%的互联网用户使用电子邮件,而在商务领域中约有90%的员工通过电子邮件的形式来联系公务 。-2-Contents商务英语电子邮件的格式商务英语电子邮件的写作要求商务英语电子邮件写作注意事项商务英语电子邮件常用句式-3-商务英语电子邮件的格式(1/15)商务英语电子邮件由五部分组成:Address--收信人Email地址、抄送收信人Email地址Subject--主题Salutation--称呼、Opening--开头、Body--正文、Ending--结尾句ComplimentaryClose--礼貌结束语Writer'sFullName--写信人全名、Writer'sTitleandDepartment--写信人职务及所属部门、Address--地址、Tel--电话号码、Fax--传真-4-商务英语电子邮件的格式(2/15)Address–地址收信人地址To:抄送收信人地址Cc:密送收信人地址Bcc:Cc:CarbonCopyBcc:BlindCarbonCopyTo:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]多个收信人地址用半角的逗号或者分号隔开 。商务英语电子邮件的格式(3/15)Subject–主题(1/3)1.主题(Sub
6.写一篇英语邮件We are glad that a couple of your students will come to our school for a week of cultural exchange. And we will arrange the following activities for your students: The first day, we will give a warm welcome to your students, and lead them to visit our campus,which can make an introduction of school. The second and third day, we will arrange them to visit Olympic Village,Birds Nest ,and Water Cube. The fourth and fifth day, they will go sight-seeing of the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. The sixth day, they will visit Chinese courtyard house to have a taste of Chinses traditional culture. The last day, we will hold farewell party for them, we will sing and dance, take photo with them. 。
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