
1.用was,were写十个句子要一般疑问句,否定和肯定句谢谢【wasi的一般疑问句怎么写】有关5261 was,were 的例句:4102
内He was the tallest boy in the class.
There were a lot of flowers in the garden last week.
I was in Beijing yesterday.
We were at home an hour ago.
Was she your teacher? Yes, she was.
Were they her parents? No, they weren't.
I was in Beijing yesterday.
We were in Beijing yesterday.
I wasn't in Beijing yesterday.
We weren't in Beijing yesterday.
Was I in Beijing yesterday?
Were we in Beijing yesterday?
2.英语:按要求写句子 1、I was at home just now.(改一般疑问句) 2、先给出答案
1,Are you at home just now?
2.Where are you last weekend?
或者Are you at school last weekend?
这两道题都属于简单的英语句型变化,原句都是be动词的主系表结构的陈述句,变成一般问句时,Be动词提最前,人称相应变化,第一人称问句变第二人称 。
第二句话,可以变成两种问句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句就是把原陈述句中的一个句子成分换成特殊疑问词,提最前面,然后Be动词提前,其他不变,就完成了 。
一般疑问句(general question)用来询问一件事情或一个情况是否属实,需要用肯定词yes或否定词no来回答 。
-Hasn't he passed the final examination?
-Yes, he has.
-Are you a teacher?
-No, I'm not.不
【句型一】Be + 主语 +…?
Are these books on the desk?
Is your mother at home?
Was he here a moment ago?
【用法说明】在含有连系动词be的将来时(shall / will + be) 或完成时态(have / has + been) 的句子,改为一般疑问句时,只需将shall / will 或have / has提到句首 。如:
Will they be at home tonight?
Has he been to New York?
【句型二】Do / Does / Did + 主语 + 谓语 +…?
Do you like English?
Did he pass the exam?
Does she have a computer?
【用法说明】助动词 do 要随人称和时态而变化 。在一般现在时中,除第三人称单数用 does 外,其他人称用 do 。而在一般过去时中,任何人称都用 did 。同时,还应注意把原陈述句的行为动词改为动词原形 。
【句型三】情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语 +…?
Must I finish my homework now?
Dare you swim in the lake?
May I come in?
【句型四】Have / Has + 主语 + 过去分词 +…?
Have you heard from him?
Has he finished his homework?
【用法说明】本句型是现在完成时的一般疑问句句型 。have / has 在此作助动词,没有实际意义 。另外,在美国英语中,无论 have 表示“有”或用作行为动词,其一般疑问句都要借助于助动词 do 的适当形式 。而在英国英语中,只有当 have 作行为动词时,其一般疑问句才要作助动词 do 的适当形式 。
如:Has she got a computer? 英国英语)
Does she have a computer? (美国英语)
Did you have a pleasant time?

