
1.风铃的英文怎么说【风铃的英文怎么写】风铃: 1. windbell2. wind-bell 【植】弗吉尼亚风铃草Virginia cowslip [ bluebell ]风铃可靠风来发出声音的轻铃A light bell that can be sounded by the wind.风铃草一种其他植物,尤指开钟状花的植物Any of several other plants,especially one with bell - shaped flowers.风铃草一种风铃草属植物,包括钓钟柳、风铃草和吊钟花Any of various plants of the genus Campanula,which includes the harebell,bellflower,and Canterbury bells.蓝铃花马挺萨属植物的一种,尤指美国弗吉尼亚风铃草属植物Any of numerous plants of the genus Mertensia,especially the Virginia bluebells.风铃草属植物一种风铃草属草本植物,主要生长于北半球,通常开有艳丽的、紫罗兰色或蓝色钟状花Any of various herbs of the genus Campanula,native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy,bell - shaped,violet or blue flowers.圆叶风铃草一种滨瓣庆属球茎状植物,原产于西欧和西北非洲,有通常为蓝色或粉红色风铃样的串状花Any of several bulbous plants of the genus Endymion in the lily family,native to western Europe and northwest Africa and having racemes of usually blue to pink bell - shaped flowers.钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia)having slender stems,dense clusters of basal leaves,and bell - shaped blue or white flowers.匍匐风铃草,牧根草一种两年生欧亚植物(匍匐风铃草风铃草属),叶呈玫瑰状,茎上生翼,开丁香紫色花和圆锥花序,根可食,用于色拉A biennial Eurasian plant(Campanula rapunculus)having rosette leaves with winged stalks,panicles of lilac - colored flowers,and an edible root used in salads. 。

