
1.当心,小心(翻译英文)当心 , 小心的英文翻译是:look out 。读音:[luk aut] 。
look out 英[luk aut] 美[l?k a?t]
[词典] 当心; 向外看; 面向; 朝外;
[例句]I should look out if I were you!如果我是你 , 我会小心的 。
(1)I felt that I had to look out for myself, because I didn't see that anyone else was going to.
我觉得必须为自己考虑一下了 , 因为我看不出还有谁会替我考虑 。
(2)They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door.
他们会透过那扇经受风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外张望 。
(3)'Hey! Look out!' shouted Patty
“嘿!小心点!”帕蒂喊道 。
(4)'Look out!' somebody shouted, as the truck started to roll toward the sea.
【当心英文单词怎么写】卡车冲向大海时 , 有人大喊“当心!”
(5)Look out for special deals
留意特价 。
2.注意英语单词怎么写注意的英文表达有:heed、attention、pay attention to、take notice of、be careful
读音:英 [hi?d] 美 [hi?d]
释义:v. 注意;留心 n. 注意;留心
Now heed what I say.
现在注意听我要说的话 。
读音:英 [?'ten?n] 美 [?'ten?n]
释义:n. 注意;注意力;照料;留心;关怀;(口令)立正
You should focus your attention on your work.
你应该把注意力放到工作上 。
3、pay attention to
读音:英 [pei ??ten??n tu:] 美 [pe ??t?n??n tu]
Everybody should pay attention to sanitation and hygiene.
人人要注意清洁卫生 。
4、take notice of
读音:英 [teik ?n?utis ?v] 美 [tek ?not?s ?v]
If you want people to take notice of you, you must make your accomplishments visible.
如果你想别人注意到你 , 一定要让别人看得见你的成绩 。
5、be careful
读音:英 [bi: ?k??ful] 美 [bi ?k?rf?l]
释义:n.注意;当心 , 小心
We're newcomers here and must be careful with what we do.
我们新来乍到 , 得注意自己的一举一动 。

