
☆特色:找准知识重点、命中学习要害,帮助学生迅速提高学习成绩,讲授学习方法,定期检查学生的学习成果 。
☆开设科目: 英语口语班,课程同步辅导 (我不知道你要教的具体教程 。.只能这样写了. 其实如果具体的话更好,例如:
☆收费标准: (你自己订 。.)
☆主讲老师: 师范大学英语专业,主修高级英语、师范英语,从事英语教学多年,经验丰富、主抓重点,讲解细致 。(这个还不是你自己吹,吹得越好招生越好,要想赚钱脸皮要厚)
完善的教学理念;优秀的主讲教师,定会让您的孩子学有所成、学有所获,望广大求知的同学前来报名 。
联系电话:13X XXXX XXXX X老师
比如先介绍你们的补习班的情况,有什么样的师资力量 。这个之前可以用些疑问句,比如你们为英语考试发愁么?为考雅思着急么?之类的话语,吸引下注意么 。
Level: Pre-Intermediate to Upper Intermediate 你们提供课程的级别
Duration: 5 to 45 weeks 课程时间
The XXX(你们补习班的名字) offers General English classes to students from XXX (什么水平的英语,比如初级啊,小学啊,高中啊) level upwards.
Students will be tested at orientation and placed in the appropriate class. (这个看你们怎么掌握了)
General English classes develop all four skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. (这里就是写你们授课的内容了,写详细点)
3.关于广告的英语作文怎么写【英语辅导广告怎么写】现在,在电视上公益广告随处可见,那广告词写得越来越幽默,也越来越发人深省了 。
就像少儿频道的这样一个公益广告:一个易拉罐被扔到了火车上,在火车上的人踢来踢去,谁也不捡起来扔到垃圾箱 。最后,只剩下一个人,电视发出了这样一个音:“8号得球 。”那个人把易拉罐捡起来扔到了垃圾桶 。“球进啦 。”都得我哈哈大笑 。看完了这个广告,我不禁想起了我们实际生活,实际上乱扔垃圾是带传染的,有一次,我在操场上玩,有个同学个了我一块糖,同时他也把糖塞到嘴里,糖纸往地上一扔,我本想扔进垃圾道,但我也情不自禁的往地上一扔 。这样的例子也很常见 。
“文明的中国盼奥运 。”希望人们看到那些发人深省的公益广告后能明白:文明光靠别人也不行,光靠自己也不行,只要人人迈出一小步,就会让社会迈出一大步 。
Now, public service announcements on television can be seen everywhere, and that more and more ad-written humor, the more thought-provoking.
Children's channels such as a public service: a cans were thrown into the train, on the train of people kicked back and forth, no one to pick up litter thrown. Finally, only one person, sent a television sound: "The ball was on the 8th." That person to pick up the cans into a trash can. "The ball into it." I had to laugh. After reading this ad, I can not help but think of our real life, in fact littering is a transmission belt, and once I play in the playground, a classmate I had a piece of candy at the same time, he also put sugar into his mouth , Tang Zhi throw the ground, I would have liked thrown into the garbage, but I can not help but throw in the ground. An example of this is very common.
"I hope that Chinese civilization and the Olympic Games." Hopes people who see the thought-provoking public service announcements could understand: civilization we can not rely on other people, we can not rely on their own, as long as everyone is a small step forward, one step would be to let the community Big step.