
1.关于英语的阴雨作文 怎么写I like sunny days, when I can go out, with friends, to the field. But I know the rainy, cloudyand windy days are also important. The rainwashes the air; the cloud shields off the burningsunlight; the wind blows away the dust and the heat in the streets. They made the sunny daysbetter.我喜欢晴天,我可以出去,和朋友一起,到运动场 。
但我知道,下雨,多云和刮风的日子也很重要 。雨洗刷空气,云遮挡住阳光的酷热,风吹走接到上的灰尘和热气 。
他们使晴天更美好 。
2.在下雨天用英语翻译在下雨天用英语翻译为on a rainy day 。
例: 1、a rainy day. 阴雨天 2、the rainy season. 多雨季节 3、the rainiest place in Britain. 英国最多雨的地区 rainy,下雨的,英 [?re?ni] 美 [?reni] 1、They walked along the promenade on a rainy night. 他们在一个雨夜沿着海滨道散步 。2、I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day. 我要把余款存入银行以备不时之需 。
3、The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December. 安第斯山区的雨季通常在12月份来临 。4、The rainy season has ended at last. 雨季总算过去了 。
5、We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins. 雨季开始时,我们预料有闷热的天气 。
英 [?w?ndi] 美 [?w?ndi]
例句:It was windy and Jake felt cold.
风很大,杰克觉得很冷 。
英 [?re?ni] 美 [?re?ni]
例句:They walked along the promenade on a rainy night.
他们在一个雨夜沿着海滨道散步 。
英 [?kla?di] 美 [?kla?di]
例句:We observed that it had turned cloudy.
【阴雨的英语怎么写】我们注意到天已经变阴了 。
英 [?s?ni] 美 [?s?ni]
例句:The outlook for the weekend is hot and sunny.
预计本周末将为晴热天气 。
英 [?sn??i] 美 [?sno?i]
例句:No, I like sunny days and snowy days.
不,我喜欢晴天和下雪天 。
4.以喜欢不喜欢阴雨天写一篇英语作文Rainy Days Many people do not like rainy days. A famous song by Capenter goes: Rainy day and Monday always make me cry. When I was young, I do not like rainy days as well. In Rainy days, the parents always asked me to stay home reading or watching TV. I could not go out to play with my friends. I like rain more and more when I grow up. The life is colorful. When there is no other colors, red will be a讥厂罐断忒登闺券酣猾s pale as grey. I like walking in the drizzles, alone or with my friends. It sounds a small poem. In sunny days it is warm but wearing you out. In cloudy and rainy days you feel recovered with more energy. I like rainy days. 。