
1.风 英语怎么说风 英语:windwind1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 转动(把手),摇;(用绞车)绞起,吊起2. 上紧 。
的发条[(+up)]Tom wound his clock before he went to bed.汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条 。3. 用曲柄摇动[O]4. 绕,缠绕,卷绕[O]She asked me to wind the wool for her.她叫我帮她绕毛线 。
5. 包,裹;抱[O]The nurse wound a bandage around my leg.护士用绷带包扎我的腿 。6. 使迂回而行,弯弯曲曲地通过The stream wound its way through the village.小溪弯弯曲曲地流过村庄 。
vi.1. 蜿蜒;迂回[Q]The stream winds through the village.小溪蜿蜒曲折流过村庄 。2. 卷曲;缠绕n.[C]1. 转动,摇2. 弯曲,卷绕3. 一圈,一盘,一转wind2KK: []DJ: []n.1. 风[C][U]The north wind is blowing hard.北风劲吹 。
2. 呼吸[U]She paused for wind after climbing those stairs.爬了那几级楼梯后,她停下来喘口气 。3. 肠气,屁;肠胃气胀[U]4. 【口】【贬】空谈,废话[U]5. 管乐器演奏者[the S][G]6. 气味;风闻,传说[U]We got wind that his firm was going bankrupt.我们得到风声说他的公司快破产了 。
vt.1. 使喘气I was winded when I got to the top of the hill.我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了 。2. 嗅出wind3KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 吹(号角)vi.1. 吹响号角 。
No one has seen the wind. Yet I can feel it at work all the time. It is never quiet just like human feelings. The most peaceful wind is the breeze. When it is windier, it does not mean rest but a storm approaching.
In hot summer, I like to sit where it is windy and cool. The breeze softly touches my face. When autumn comes the wind gains in momentum. Sometimes the wind is naughty and keeps beating on the window and turning over the pages of my book. The wind seems to be in the worst mood in winter. She blows people's hats off. Who says the wind is emnotionless? I can hear her laughter and soft sighs even in spring.
Yet no matter how freezing cold or scorching hot or wild angry or extremely happy the wind can he, there seems to be an end to it. But the wind is not willing to be tamed. Maybe just beeause of this the universe keeps it in such tight control.

没有人看见过风 。可我能感觉到它一直在起作用,就位人们都能感到它的存在一样 。最平和的风是微风 。无风时并非风干浪静,而是意味着风暴即将来临 。
在酷热的夏天,我喜欢坐在风凉的地方 。微风轻轻抚摸着我的脸 。秋风劲吹,调皮地拍打窗户,翻弄书页 。冬天,风的心情似乎最坏,它吹掉人们的帽子 。谁说风无情?我能听到春风忽而大笑,忽而长嘘短叹 。
然而,不管风有多么寒冷、多么炎热、多么狂怒、多么狂喜,似乎一切总有尽头,风不愿驯服,也许正因为如此,天地才这样紧紧地将它约束 。
3.有风的用英语怎么说有风的的英文:windy windy 英 [?w?ndi] 美 [?w?ndi] adj.有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的 1、It was windy and Jake felt cold. 风很大,杰克觉得很冷 。
2、It was a cold, windy, overcast afternoon in Washington. 这是华盛顿一个寒风料峭、天空阴沉的下午 。扩展资料 同类词: windiness 英 ['w?nd?n?s] 美 ['w?nd?n?s] n.多风 Windiness varies, and an average value for a given location does not alone indicate the amount of energy a wind turbine could produce there. 有风变化,并且平均值为一个被测量的地点单独不表明风涡轮可能导致那里的相当数量能量 。
反义词: windless 英 [?w?ndl?s] 美 [?w?ndl?s] adj.无风的,平稳的,喘不过气的 1、It's a windless day today. 今天是个风平浪静的日子 。2、It's windless and warm in the morning. 早晨,几乎无风,很暖 。

