1.Location of Study怎么填【fieldofstudy怎么写】只有Location of Study , 这一栏 , 然后让你填 , 我以为是让我填本科的大学的城市名称 , 后来发EMAIL问了小米 , 他这样回的“Dear Applicant,The "Location of Study" is which city you are studying your degree.If you are studying Bachelor Degree, then please fill-in Bachelor. This column means the degree that you are studying or have been awarded.” 还是不明白什么意思 。
2.作文第一单元My English Study怎么写My English Study
I like English very much, so I try a lot of ways to improve my English. At weedends, English corner in every park is my first choice, which is the best way to meet foreign friends and some native English speakers. In weekdays, I also have a partner to communicate in English. Oral practice is important. So does written English. English dictionaries and English newspapers, such as Shanghai Daily are my good friends to help me make progress. At school, I am the leader of English corner and Communication Department. I love English so much.
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