
1.农村土地流转用英语怎么说"农村土地流转“英语是(Rural land circulation) 如《标题》:农村土地流转中存在的问题及对策分析(An analysis of the problems existing in rural land circulation and the countermeasures)People have taken the problem of rural land circulation more and more seriously in recent years.Many scholors discuss how to move forward rural land circulation from the angle of government in the light of rural land circulation itself,especially that of eastern developed areas.However,the writer think the analysis of rural land circulation should begin with the solution of problems of agriculture,peasant and rural area,because circulation is not an aim but a means.The paper analyzes main problems of rural land circulation and puts forward the policy target and relative auxiliary policies. With the development of agricultural economy, especially the adjustment and optimization of agricultural production structure, it has been an inexorable trend to circulate the land in the countryside. Through the investigation and studies on the current situation of land circulation in Beichen District of Tianjin, the related problems in the land circulation are analyzed. Also, according to the problems existing in the process of land circulation, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward.?The shortage of water resource is the key factor that restrains the sustainable development of the agriculture and village in the drought-hit area of the northwest of China. So it is important to solve the problem of the shortage of water resource firstly, and modern water-gathering eco -agriculture is the effective measure to solve the problem that the water resource is in short in the drought?hit area of the northwest of China . Land leveling is an important measure for improving the efficiency of farm land surface irrigation and saving the resources of water.The basic principles of the laser control techniques in land leveling are reviewed and the main parts of equipment as well as the effects of its application in agriculture are introduced. 。
英 ['fɑ?m?(r)] 美 ['fɑ?rm?r]
n. 农夫;农民;农场主
1、fruit farmer 果农
2、gentleman farmer 从事农业的贵族
3、tenant farmer 佃农
4、tobacco farmer 种烟草的农民
The farmers guarantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables that are delivered.
农民们保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量 。
The farmers turned the sterile land into high yields.
【土地用英语怎么写】农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田 。
He was a good story-teller and used to make up tales about farmers and animals.
他是个讲故事的好手,常编一些农夫和动物的故事 。
Many farmers grow corn in America.
在美国许多农民栽种谷物 。
farmer是可数名词,可指拥有并经营农场的“农场主”,在英国,farmer指向大地主租借土地并雇人耕种的人,自己很少动手,也可指与工人、知识分子相对的“农民” 。
farmer, agriculturist, peasant, peasantry这组词的共同意思是“农民” 。
peasantry是农民的统称,包含有farmer, peasant和agriculturist,还可指农民地位、农民身份或粗野无知的农民行为 。
farmer拥有很大面积的土地,peasant拥有少量的土地; agriculturist不一定拥有土地 。
farmer的土地一般为私人所有; peasant的土地为国有化土地; agriculturist的土地即可以是私有的,也可以是国有的 。
agriculturist一般掌握有丰富的农业科学知识和技术,常称作“农学家” 。
3.农民用英语怎么说农民:farmer发音:英 ['fɑ?m?] 美 ['fɑm?] 具体释义:n. 农夫,农民n. (Farmer)人名;(英)法默;(法)法尔梅;(西)法梅尔同根词:词根: farmn.farm 农场;农家;畜牧场farming 农业,耕作v.farming 耕种;出租(farm的ing形式)vi.farm 种田,务农;经营农场vt.farm 养殖;耕种;佃出(土地)扩展资料例句:1、A farmer produces a bale of hay, one horse or another eats it, but not both. 农民产出一捆干草,某匹马或另一匹马可以把它吃掉,但不可能两匹都迟到 。