1.《适合》的英语怎么写第一步,培养兴趣 。可以通过看英美原声电影,听英文歌曲或者阅读英语小笑话等 。。当然 。。如果你本来就喜欢英语,这一步就可以跳过 。。
第二部,单词积累 。买本小点的单词书,便于随身携带,等车啊,等餐的时候都可以背上一两个,长期下来这个数量是很客观滴 。。还有就是要给自己设定一个目标,比如说我什么时候到达到怎样的单词量,然后分解到每一天,每天都要完成每天的任务,要持之以恒哟 。。
第三步,口语练习 。看英美电影是我最喜欢的方式,这样练习自己的口语也会比较纯正,而且很快乐,每天日常生活中看到什么想用英文表达的,尽快翻字典,或者在网上找些日常用语,记下来,慢慢的你就会说得很流利了 。
【默念的英语怎么写】第四步,听力训练 。本人比较喜欢看英文原声无字幕电影和听英文歌曲来锻炼听力,说真的,你能看懂原声电影,听懂英文歌,听力已经是6级水平以上了 。开始的时候可以听下VOA的special english ,较常速VOA慢些,这个有点枯燥,但是是个不错的听力入门方法,当初我就是这么练习过来滴 。。
第五步,阅读理解 。这个就比较综合了,对语法,单词,文化背景,阅读速度都有比价大的要求,这个我个人认为没什么捷径或者比较好的方法,本人就是看英文报纸看得多了就是知识的累积,对文章的理解也慢慢有自己的看法 。才看得透彻,跟中文一样的,而且看文章的时候要注意不要默念,要用眼睛看 。。要知道,眼睛看的速度比读文章的速度不知道块多少倍 。。
漏了一点,语法,这个 。。本人采取的题海战术,做得多了也就牢牢记住了,而且做得多了就自然有感觉了,就是所谓的语感, 。。。。英文学得好,就靠兴趣和坚持 。。要经常用,就会想自己的母语一样了 。。。
呵呵,我从小学就开始学英语了,到现在已经学习了好多年了,成绩一直还不错,现在一外企工作~~~这是本人多年英语总结经验,希望对你有帮助 。。加油吧 。
2."雨"英语翻译``Thousands of years of waiting is nothing but the end of the day, to slip past the moment has become an eternal legend, the helplessness days based, open days joke, leaving just a helpless relief. Although not in girlfriend, but pledged commitment warm and powerful, watching her Greek and Italian firm eyes, I can only tightly holding her, she said their hearts meditation with the promise: I will never separate doors. . . . . . Some people have said to me: Each girls are angels, they leave that beautiful paradise, came to the Mundane Life only to find her other half. I agree, because I am not up her crying, she does not want to see the appearance of Ewha rain. Angels know Smoke from the white light of struggling children, it represents purity and good and beautiful. Smoke inversion, but I do not know, then that is black, a demon, a nightmare. The rain that day, radical and, with her near me close together, we laugh together with the. Leave two years, waiting for two years, the commitment was changed in the time before the helpless change fled, the inability to change. Two years later, she, together with others, as what is so laugh, and so made trouble of speechless, I can only walk away, the wind, blowing my hair chaos, but blowing my mind and refuse to leave the boredom, Huanglian is hard, but at this moment is sweet. I was hovering at about the places where we have the occasion, the patient in the eyes tightly spun in tears. Carved in stone that situation, two years, even though there are mountains, the earth, nor the will to completely wash it, but it was other people's feelings coverage, the slightest traces can not find the original, tears streaming down not obedient. I was encouraged to see a face with her, I agree with the courage, and she walked on the quiet, meditations on the leaves of the benefits of that year, desalination, as like tea, water several times, a desalination everything. Looking at the sky and a half months, his face hung inability to smile more than one good God The next day, someone told me that she cried, cry very sad, I smiled and left, I do not want to let them see that the eyes of tears. A rainy night Let us together, God did not send rain we left, but I was crying Protected, it has become a fantasy rain, urgency and, perhaps, and this is God give me a pale answer `````` 。