
1.物是人非用英语怎么表达英语是:The things are still there, but men are no more the same ones.
Nowadays, The things are still there, but men are no more the same ones. Your birthday is coming, but I have the qualifications blessings to you?
still 英[st?l] 美[st?l]
adv. 仍,仍然; 更,还要; 静静地; 〈诗〉常,不断地;
adj. 不动的,静止的; 不狂暴的,温柔的; 没有活力的,死气沉沉的;
n. 平静,寂静; 剧照; 静止摄影; 蒸馏器;
[例句]I still dream of home
我依然做梦梦见家 。
same 英[se?m] 美[sem]
adj. 同一的; 相同的,同样的;
pron. 同一事物; 同样的人; (和…) 同样的事物; (数目、颜色、大小、质量等) 相同;
adv. 同样,类似;
[例句]The houses were all the same — square, close to the street, needing paint
房子都一模一样——方方正正、临近街道、需要粉刷 。
Things remain as ever, yet he is here no more.
Things remain,now he's no more.
如果比较文气的翻译,个人建议可以意译 。如:
Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. (拜伦)
【物是人非的英语怎么写】钱钟书先生用文言译拜伦致其情妇的信:“此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳 。行行生别离,去者不如留者神伤之甚也 。” 大致可理解为(感情上的)“物是人非” 。
又如,只是感叹周遭事物的变迁,可以简单地感叹:What a world of difference!
又或,比较口语化的表示斯人已逝,可以用过去时态来体现,如:You WERE there. 比如我拍下一张与某人常去的咖啡店照片,发在ins上,可能加上一个tag: You were here 。酸味十足 。