
1、zebra crossing 斑马线
2、zebra fish [鱼]斑马鱼
3、Leptobotia zebra 斑纹薄鳅
4、Zebra jasper 斑纹碧石
1、The zebra is related to the horse.
斑马和马有亲缘关系 。
2、The most famous of these gifts were a giraffe and a zebra.
这些礼物中最著名的是一只长颈鹿和一只斑马 。
3、Zebra sees a lion, stress makes her run.
斑马看见一头狮子,压力迫使它逃跑 。
4、Well, imagine youare a zebra about to be attacked by a lion.
好吧,想象你是一只正被狮子捕猎的斑马 。
1、tiger英 ['ta?g?]美 ['ta?ɡ?]
n. 老虎;各种猫科动物;凶恶的人,虎狼之徒
[例句]The engine purred like a well-fed tiger.
发动机像一头吃饱喝足的老虎一样发出咕隆声 。
2、giraffe英 [d???rɑ:f]美 [d???r?f; d???r?f]
[例句]Did you hear the joke about the giraffe with a sore throat?
3、elephant英 ['el?f(?)nt]美 [??l?f?nt]
n. 象;大号图画纸
[例句]Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.
化石搜寻者们发掘出了一具据信有50万年历史的大象骨骼 。
4、horse英 [h??s]美 [h?rs]
n. 马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马
vt. 为…备马;猛推或用力向上举
[例句]an easy-going horse
一匹步伐平稳的马 。
5、leopard英 ['lep?d]美 ['l?p?d]
n. 豹;美洲豹,金钱豹,花豹
[例句]A leopard hunts alone.
豹子独自捕猎 。
2.马的英语单词怎么写马的英语:horse,音标: [h??s],按音标读 。
1、don't change horses in midstream proverb choose a sensible moment to change your mind 〈谚〉 不要中流换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略 。
2、from the horse's mouth(of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source (消息)直接来自有关人士的,来自权威人士的 。
3、horses for courses Brit. proverb different people are suited to different things or situations 〈英谚〉 马各有赛场,人各有所长 。
4、to horse(as a command) mount your horses!(作为命令)上马!you can lead(或take) a horse to water but you can't make him drink proverb you can give someone an opportunity, but you can't force them to take it 〈谚〉 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(你可以给人机会,但你不能逼他们去做) 。