
1.英语作文询问信询问信 Inquiry Letter
Dear Jess,
How are you? I have not seen you for a long time. I hope you everything is ok. I am writing to you because I am going to theNew Yorkon business and intend to travel theNew Yorkwhere I have been looking forward to going for many years. I wonder if you would like to accompany with me.
2.高中英语作文的询问信,建议信和申请信的模板分别怎么写建议信 Date _________ Dear________,1. I am delighted to learn that _________.2. It ____________.3. In my opinion __________.4. On the one hand, __________.5. On the other hand, _________. 6. As to ________, I suggest _________.7. If _________.8. It is unnecessary for you to _________.9. In addition, ___________.10. I am sure ____________.11. Please inform me ___________.12. I am looking forward to _______. Sincerely Yours, Signature 信息提示 信件启首1.写心的原因2.引出作者的建议3.表述建议的内容4.提出建议的理由一5.建议的理由二6.具体到某一方面的建议内容7.供被建议人选择的条件8建议内容的另一方面9.其他的建议10.对 建议内容的评价11.对建议内容所做的承诺12.表达本人的愿望 第二部分表达问题与建议 信件结尾与签名 1. Nowadays, there is a growing concern on _______.2. It is certain that _________.3. However, __________.4. It will cause many serious results if ______.5. Firstly, _________.6. Secondly, _________7. Finally, _________.8. In spite of all these, there are still many ways ____.9. First of all, ________.10. In addition, ________. 11. Thirdly, ________.12. Only in this way, __________. 1.提出问题2.问题产生的背景3.与背景相关的情况4.问题产生的原因5.原因一6.原因二7.原因三8.解决这一问题的方法9.方法一10.方法二11.方法三12.指明前景 第三部分英文建议信必备基本语句1. My name is ________.2. I am ____________.3. I'm writing you a letter about _________.4. The focus of the complaint is __________.5. For one thing, ___________.6. For another, ____________.7. Honestly speaking, __________. 8. But __________.9. Besides, ____________.10. All in all, there is much room for improvement11. I do hope __________.12. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sincerely yours, Signature 信息提示 信件启首1.写信人的身份2.作者的身份3.表述抱怨内容4.提出抱怨的核心点5.抱怨内容的一个方面6.抱怨内容的另一个方面7.客观的评论8.抱怨产生的原因一9.抱怨产生的原因二10.总结所抱怨的事情现象有改进的空间11.表达本人的愿望12.信件结尾的常用语 文本文来自"分享君作文网" ,关于英文建议信尽在: 。
3.谁帮我写一篇“询问信”的英语作文啊,100字左右的I have a good piece of news to tell you. Next Sunday, I will travel around the countryside with my parents. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks. I am sure I will enjoy country life with the friendly people, the fresh air and the gentle pace of life. There are some fruit trees.. 全文信息可以参考英语作文网。
开心 。
4.英语作文:根据下面中文信息写一封询问信Dear Mr.Smith,
We met each other in the Guangzhou Trade Expo and I am very Interested in the new styple phone that your company have developed. Could you give me a detail introduction of the product like the specification,color,price and the fuctions? I believe there is a good future for the new style phone and I hope we can build a long term business relationship in the future.
Best wishes,
Mark Zhang
December 22,2009
5.询问一个英语书信的格式P.O. Box 503(如果是邮政信箱)
Post Box 503(如果是单位自己的信箱)
Dalian Jiaotong University
Shahekou District, Dalian City
Liaoning Province, P.R.China(如果是国际信件)
信封上不用写寄信人地址,要写在信件中 。英式写在信件开头右上角的地方(占三分之一的宽度,左对齐);美式可以在信件开头左上角日期下面空一行的地方(靠左)或是信件结尾签名下面(也是靠左) 。