5.考拉的资料(简单英文版)The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling animal, which averages about 9 kilograms in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash gray.
The koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal word meaning "no drink" because it receives over 90% of it's water from the Eucalyptus leaves (also known as gum leaves) it eats, and only drinks when ill or times when there is not enough moisture in the leaves.
'Habitat' refers to the types of bush land that koalas like to live in. They are found in a range of habitats, from coastal islands and tall eucalypt forests to low woodlands inland.
Koalas today are found in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
Koalas live in societies, just like humans, so they need to be able to come into contact with other koalas. It is because of this they need to have areas of suitable eucalypt forest, which are large enough to support a healthy koala population and to allow for expansion by maturing young koalas.
考拉是一种像小熊一样的树居动物,平均重量约9公斤的 。它的皮毛很厚,通常灰灰色 。
考拉得名于一个古老的原住民字,意思是“不喝水”,因为它所需的水分90 %以上是从桉树叶(也称为胶叶)中摄取,只有在生病并且树叶中无法供应足够的水分时才会喝水
'人居'指考拉所喜爱生活的一种类型的大陆,他们被发现在各种生境,沿海岛屿和桉树林地森林低内陆 。
考拉今天被发现在昆士兰,新南威尔士州,维多利亚州和南澳生存 。
考拉生活在社会,就像人类,所以他们必须能够接触到其他考拉 。正因为如此,他们需要有合适的桉树森林地区,这是大到足以支持一个健康的考拉数量和允许年轻考拉向成熟进化
6.帮我想篇考拉的英文作文100字的.要自己写的Koala bear is Australia's unique animal. They inhabits on trees and have a gentle personality with a sincere look. They have a pair of short, hairy ears, with small eyes and big nose and whole body is covered with grey short fur.
The baby lives in a pocket of skin on the mother's stomach. They sleep most of the day and does not have a tail. Many people love them!!
考拉又叫树袋熊,是澳大利亚的国宝,它生活在树上,性情温和,模样憨厚,有一队毛茸茸的短耳,浑身长着灰色的短毛,很受人们的喜爱 。
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