
[词典] examine oneself, feeling no shame; be free from any compunction; feel [have] no qualms about; feel no qualms upon self-examination;
[例句]我可以问心无愧地回首过去,我已经尽力了 。
【问心英语怎么写】I can look back on things with a clear conscience. I did everything I could.
2.问心无愧的英语怎么写问心无愧 [词典] examine oneself, feeling no shame; be free from any compunction; feel [have] no qualms about; feel no qualms upon self-examination; [例句]我可以问心无愧地回首过去,我已经尽力了 。
I can look back on things with a clear conscience. I did everything I could 。. 。
3.“问心无愧”用英语怎么说英文释义:examine oneself, feeling no shame 检查自己,感觉没有羞愧;
be free from any compunction 不受任何内疚,觉得[必须]毫无顾忌地
feel [have] no qualms about 不觉得不安在反省;
feel no qualms upon self-examination 扪心无愧
feel one has done one's best upon self-examination 感觉自己已经做了一个最好的在反省;
have a good [clear] conscience; 有一个好的(清楚)的良心;
have nothing on one's conscience; 没有问心有愧 。
【英 语】have a clear conscience (Keep conscience clear, then never fear.
问心无愧,永无畏惧 。)
4.问心无愧的英文怎么写With a clear conscience
我可以问心无愧地回首过去,我已经尽力了 。
I can look back on things with a clear conscience. I did everything I could.
我认为自己再也无法问心无愧地在你的政府中任职 。
I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of yourgovernment.
我可以问心无愧地再次离开 。
I could go away again with a clear conscience.
加西亚先生说他对监狱中发生的事件问心无愧 。
Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents
如今我已将一切都告诉了你,我可以“问心无愧”地走了 。
Now that I've told you everything, I can leave with a clear conscience.
我们努力了,珍惜了,问心无愧 。
We are trying, treasure, a clear conscience.
直到现在,我问心无愧 。
Up to now, I have had a clear conscience.
当然,这件事你做得问心无愧,我也感到很高兴 。
And of course I am glad you do.
在她昨天对我说了那些话后,我不知道她怎么能问心无愧地直视我 。
I don't know how she can look me in the face after what she said to me yesterday.
5.关于问心无愧的英语作文In my life ,I have some difficulties.So sometimes I feel depressed.Although I always remind myself that I should keep good mood.But I can't avoid bad mood.I try my best to calm down if I am sad,angry,or complaining.
No matter what happens,I will never give up.Because I am a responsible person.I must be charged with my responsiblity.One day I can say I try my best to be a good person without any regret !
6.问心无愧用英文怎么说问心无愧: [ wèn xīn wú kuì ] 1. have a clear conscience例句与用法: 1. 他怎能问心无愧呢? How can he reconcile it to his conscience? 2. [谚]问心无愧,高枕无忧 。
A good conscience is a soft pillow. 3. [谚]只要问心无愧,旁人的指责可一笑置之 。A clear conscience laughs at false accusation 。

