
1.英语课的学期总结,一百字左右英语学习学期总结 其实可以随便写啦 你这学期学英语的情况 你对英语的认识 你在其中碰到的困难 你是如何解决他的 最后取得了什么结果(一般性会说努力之后取得好成果) 学习中 可以写 各方面的情况 比如 英语听力 英语阅读 英语语法 英语词汇 英语写作 之类等等 并且再说些以后要努力学习之类的话(不要太老套) 就可以啦 其实有些老师看只要是你真心写的 认真写的 都觉得你会写的很好哒~ My English Study Summary Time flies. It is near the end of the second year of my college life.I ask myself,“what did you do these two years? Do you make progress with each passing day?” Several days ago, I just wrote a blog which title was “what would do if you were a freshman?” It seems that I missed many good things and should be much better. However, it is no sense to regret what we didn't get but to look forward in the future and learn a lesson from the past.I suppose most of my school time I focus my main attention on my study. At first, I thought the textbook, e.g. A New English Course, outdated and boring, but later I really found there were too many things I hadn't master well. So why don't I try to be more patient? Just like New Concept English III is no more interesting than our textbook, but every time I recite these classical passages, I indeed lose myself in them. It sounds a little strange to some people, but it's indeed the voice from my heart.Before I entered the college, I guessed the most disgusting career was to be a teacher, especially an English teacher. Well, it's my life! I chose my major in English teaching! Fortunately, I become more and more interest in English. The only thing I want to do right now is to reach a higher level of English study. English is just a tool. Life is so beautiful and enjoyable that I shouldn't waste all my time on grammar, vocabulary but to appreciate it . I know it takes lots of time and energy to achieve this goal.. Actually, I have been always trying. I am crazy about the English public speech and enjoy the process of writing the script and the feeling on the stage. Once I put all my heart on preparing the examinations of intermediate and advanced interpretation. I can be very proud to tell anyone I haven't waste the time in the past two years, but merely I hope I could be better. I got the point that I developed the interest of English later than some of my counterparts. Therefore I have a long way to go and I know I have gained the confidence.The coming final examinations, I'm certain I will make every effort to finish them well. Meanwhile, I have made a complete plan for the summer.Thank you, English! You help me meet many amusing teachers and friends. I never know what I am going to get on the way to the summit of English study.And many thanks, Richard! Thank you for reading my a little longer and terrible article! Thank you for your kind help in this year!自己删点掉吧 。
2.怎么写小学学期总结 (英语)这个学期结束了 。
在这个学期里 , 老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血 , 我们也为自己的学习洒下了许多辛勤的汗水 。这次期末考试 , 我的每门功课 , 都取得了比较好的成绩 。
总结这个学期的学习 , 我想 , 主要有以下几个方面: 第一 , 学习态度比较端正 。能够做到上课认真听讲 , 不与同学交头接耳 , 不做小动作 , 自觉遵守课堂纪律;对老师布置的课堂作业 , 能够当堂完成;对不懂的问题 , 主动和同学商量 , 或者向老师请教 。
第二 , 改进了学习方法 。为了改进学习方法 , 我给自己订了一个学习计划:(1)做好课前预习 。
也就是要挤出时间 , 把老师还没有讲过的内容先看一遍 。尤其是语文课 , 要先把生字认会 , 把课文读熟;对课文要能分清层次 , 说出段意 , 正确理解课文内容 。