
2.芒果 英语单词怎么写1. mango
美 ['m??ɡo?];英 ['m??ɡ??]
复数:mangoes2. 芒果:a tropical fruit with smooth yellow or red skin, soft orange flesh and a large seed inside.
3. 例句:
I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mangocause me painful?
(2)So, I look forward to this with the Green Mango on my little room, ready to recordit properly since the process of ripening.
于是,我满怀期盼地把这青芒果放在了我的小房间里,准备好好记录它自熟的过程 。
Others remembered the leader's warning, but they thought this was just adifferent variety of mango tree.
另一些人想起队长的警告,可他们认为这只不过是另一种芒果树 。
Then two more lines come down, in spurts, like little spiders gliding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard.
那两句下来,加速,像小蜘蛛滑翔下来的一个分支线程来自于我们的院子里的芒果树 。
4. 芒果:芒果(学名:Mangifera indica),原产自北印度和马来半岛,喜欢高温、干燥的天气,营养生长期(根、茎、叶)最适合温度为24-30℃,气温降到18℃以下时生长缓慢,10℃以下停止生长,生殖生长期(花、果)需较高温度,以排水良好且含腐植质的砂质土壤最适宜,pH值5.5-7.5为佳 。后引种改良,已遍及多个地方,其中十大芒果生产国家,以产量排名如下:印度、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、泰国、中国、印尼、菲律宾、海地、刚果 。
读音:英 ['m??ɡ??] 美 ['m??ɡo?]
1、canned mango 芒果罐头
2、mango juice 芒果汁
3、mango gum 芒果胶
【芒果的复数英语怎么写】4、Green Mango青芒果
1、Wash it all down with fresh papaya or mango blended with shaved ice, milk and a little syrup.
混着刨冰、牛奶和些许糖浆吞下新鲜番木瓜或芒果也要试试哦 。
2、Study on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Edible Yellow Pigment from Mangifer Indica Linn.
微波辅助法提取芒果食用黄色素的研究 。
3、If we take mango as an example, the raw fruit is high in vitamin C.
我们以杧果为例,在未经加工时其中的维生素C含量很高 。
4、Try mango or peach slices on whole-wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey.
试试在全麦吐司上放几片芒果或者桃子,再加点花生酱和蜂蜜 。
1、apple英 ['?pl] 美 ['?pl]
n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙
例句:The apple trees are blossoming.
苹果树正在开花 。
2、pear英 [pe?]美 [p?r]
[例句]He operated an enormous pear orchard.
他经营一个大型梨园 。
3、banana英 [b?'nɑ?n?]美 [b?'n?n?]
n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻
[例句]Banana plants produce one stem at a time.
芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头 。
4、cherry英 ['t?er?]美 ['t??ri]
n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色
[例句]Over night, the cherry tree had come into bloom.
樱花一夜间绽放 。
5、coconut英 ['k??k?n?t]美 ['kok?n?t]