1.英语作文,我昨天摔伤了腿you will not believe what happened to me yesterday. as i was walking downstairs to have supper with my beloved families. i stepped on my own feet and fell all the way down! my parents were both scared and sad. they took me to the nearest hospital immediately and made an appointment with the doctor there. i was taken care by the lovely nurses and my families last night. the process of putting my legs bones back together was kind of painful however there is nothing i cannot get though as long as my families are with me. and by the way, "break a leg" also means to get luck! i always try to look at the positive side when things happen. anyway, i feel reall 。
【摔伤英语怎么写】 they took me to the nearest hospital immediately and made an appointment with the doctor there! i always try to look at the positive side when things happen. anyway. as i was walking downstairs to have supper with my beloved families. the process of putting my legs bones back together was kind of painful however there is nothing i cannot get though as long as my families are with me;break a leg"you will not believe what happened to me yesterday. i was taken care by the lovely nurses and my families last night; also means to get luck. i stepped on my own feet and fell all the way down, ", not the neck! my parents were both scared and sad, i feel really bad that i will have to miss school in the following month. also there are going to be a lot of work to catch up with but i am still extremely happy because it was the leg i broke. and by the way 。
