
1.怎样写英语作文Hi,my dear friends. I'm honor to be here to share my English learning experience with you .
English is one of the most important subjects in middle school. Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, "When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language." In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.
2.这个用英语怎么写Dear Maria ,
As we all known, the time of youth is the best time for us .Besides study ,we have many interests.So let me tell you my interests .
I like singing and dancing .Sing songs can make me happy ,and dacing can make me health .Every weekends when other friends play outside ,I always stay at dancing room ,dance with teachers ,and I am donging well at singsing class too.
I like singing and dancing ,so that's my interests ,how about you ?
3.英语作文怎么写如何写好英语作文?1. 条理性 。
指的是合理布局文章结构 。首先,在文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序等方面要有一定的条理性 。
其次,根据需要,安排好段落,各段之间要层次分明,也要重视每一段的开头和结尾,开头语往往是总起句,结尾语往往是总结句 。2. 准确性 。
指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用词和句法等,要准确、地道地表达 。必须要牢牢掌握一些常用句型或习惯表达,避免中式英语,在实践中不断总结中英用法的差异,养成用英语思维写作的习惯 。
3. 流畅性 。指根据整篇文章思想的需要,有效采用不同的连接手段,使文章层次清楚、行文连贯 。
4. 简洁多样性 。简洁性就是语言简洁,不重复 。
多样性就是能随情景内容的变化写出句式多样的语句 。这也是新课程标准对写作的评价标准 。
5. 思想性 。新标准对写作的要求,增加了情感因素,在准确流畅表达写作要点的同时,适当增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味,使文章读起来更亲切,完全达到与读者进行交流的目的 。
6. 美观性 。指的是卷面书写规范、清楚、干净、整洁 。
4.急用英语作文第一篇)My home town is in the south of China . It is a small town. In it there is a beautiful park. We can go walking there. We can see hills,trees and lakes too. There are some tall buildings in the town and the tallest one has twenty_four floors. There are lots of shops.
We can go shopping in them if we have time. I like my home town very
(第二篇)I live near a small city. Outside my house is a bus stop.It
takes about ten minutes to get to the city centre by bus. There are lots of buildings there,including a large shopping mall, a youth centre and a museum. There is a park too. The youth centre is my favourite place. I often go there with my friends at the weekend.
第三篇 I live in Qingxu.It is a big town.There are more than 300thousand people in this town. There is a famous lake called Donghu. You can take a boat trip in the lake in summer. There is a Donghu Hotel in the centre of this town. Spend your holiday in Qingxu. It's the ideal place. welcome to Qingxu.
5.急用Mr, Paul
i am writing to invite you to my 20th birthday party next Saturday. And i hope that you can come since there will be a lot of friends that day and i am sure you will enjoy yourself with our interesting programs.
Firstly, we have a dance moment at 9pm, you may meet Harry, our old friend. We haven't met each other for years and he has just come back from Korea i think you two have a lot to share and talk, you know he is always a funnu guy. I have a lot of girls so i bet it's a good chance to know new friends and you may find someone interesting.After that we can enjoy our birthday cake together, it may be around midnight.