
1.人际交流The communicate with each other 人际交流中,可能有一些人会离开你的世界,有些人会进入你的世界 。
我的原则是,用心交流,其中不掺杂一丝丑陋的交易 。用心,用爱去交流,这样交来的朋友才会长久 。
下面分述一下交友是一个看上去其实还是个技术活,因为,其实需要你用智慧去判断什么样的人可以做进一步的交往,而什么样的人不可以做进一步交往 。那么来说,每个人都有每个人的优点,我喜欢的女性朋友,身上肯定有许多彰显神荣美的地方 。
以至于,这样的交往以后,我的朋友,几乎都是基督徒,几乎都比我年长 。建议,交一些年长自己一些的朋友,包括对男人,自然年长一些的,他会宽容很多,因为,你没有走过的道路,他已然走过 。
当然,感情的去留,都必须要随缘 。可能,年纪小的,一样体贴入微,只是,在人际交往上面,必然是有所欠缺的,他们的言谈举止肯定不能够和同年龄的女生相提并论,这一点也是不容置疑的 。
那么,就需要你用更多的包容心去看待这个问题,对待这个人 。但是,也相信,拥有了神的爱,一定会在他身上也产生正面的果效 。
下面,来说说,一种交往要注意: (1)不要出于利益的交朋友,不然一定取其败坏 。交友需要一些智慧:那么几大原则: (1) 交一些积极正面的朋友,具有上进心,待人和蔼,哪怕有一些强势我个人认为不是个糟糕的问题,说明她有原则性,强势在我看来,从来也就不是一个缺点,强势即代表着有主见,只要不是蛮横的强调理由,我个人觉得还是可以接受的 。
【人际交流英语怎么写】那么交友,真的也就是那么一个技术活,需要很多年的积累,那么我也可能比较的幸运,在交友的过程中,从来没有遇见过好朋友之间的背叛 。好朋友也都像贴身小棉袄一样,温暖 。
如棉花糖一般可口,温馨 。(2)不要跟你不欣赏的人谈论任何个人话题和深入的交流 。
(3)交一些信仰一致的朋友 。(4)交朋友要非常的主动,切记,不能够被动 。
哪怕是受点伤害,不合适,她不想和你成为朋友,也不要太放在心上 。(5)交一些要求勤奋,努力的朋友 。
(6)对待朋友,除了口没遮拦的人,基本上的人,能够宽容都要选择宽容别人 。最后,总结:人的一生果效,都发自内心 。
心正了,即使不耀眼,不富有,也会显得很荣美 。自然,我们也要经常反省自己的行为和为人处世,切记不可骄傲,不可自夸 。
交友是个技术活,分辨其可实施性需要睿智和包容 。我是一个朋友很多,生活也异常丰富多彩的人,但是,好朋友也就10个不到点 。
在以往的工作中,我为朋友,同事披上过大衣,在她们企图要选择放弃的时候,我总是说,要坚持 。但是,我从来也不觉得,我自己是完美的,但是,人不能够总是朝后看,这样的生命是没有成长的,而自从进入教会的那一天起,一切都也已经结束,归为零,总会有一些做错的事情,我们都该在这样的错误当中认识到自己的错误,完全无可指滴的只有耶稣,但是,既然神起初造我们,是照着神的形象造的,那么,我们在以后也要按照神的形象来靠近 。
In interpersonal communication, there may be some people will leave your world,some people will come into your world. My principle is, the intentions of the exchange, which does not involve any uglytrading. Heart, with love to exchange, so that friends will last for a long time. Thefollowing points about dating is a look is a technology live, because, in fact, you need to use wisdom to judge what kind of people can do further communication,and what kind of person can't do further communication. So, everyone has the advantages of each person, I like female friends, I'm sure there are many Godbeautiful place on the body. So, such exchanges later, my friend, are almost allChristians, almost all older than me. Suggestions, make some older some of his friends, including the natural man,older, he will forgive a lot, because, you do not walk the road, he is gone. Of course, the feelings of the future, must be going. May, young, like take to one's bosom, just above, in interpersonal communication, is necessarily somewhat lacking in speech and deportment, they won't be put on a par with the same agegirl, this is allow all doubt. So, you need to look at the problems with moreinclusive heart, treat the people. But, also believe that, with God's love, will alsoproduce positive effect on him. Below, say, a communication should pay attention to:(1) do not out of interest to make friends, or must take its destruction. Friends need some wisdom: then a few principles:(1) and make some positive friends, with the ambition, kind, even if there are some strong I personally think that is not a bad problem, explains her principled,strong in my opinion, never is not a disadvantage, strong representsindependent, as long as it's not unreasonable emphasized the reason, I personally think it is acceptable. So friends, really also is a technology live, need many years of accumulation, then I could also lucky, in the process of making friends, never meet good friends。