
1.331342用英语怎么写331,342 读作:three hundred thirty-one thousand three hundred forty-two
442,453 读作:four hundred forty-two thousand four hundred fifty-three
553,564 读作:five hundred fifty-three five thousand hundred sixty-four
664,675 读作:相同的规律将数字换一下
775,786 读作:同上
886,897 读作:同上
997,998 读作:同上
100,000 读作:one hundred thousand
110,000 读作:one hundred and ten thousand
1,500,000读作:one million five hundred thousand
2,000,000读作:two million
英语中每三位数字用一个逗号隔开 , 分别就是千(thousand) , 百万(million) , 十亿(billion)
2.206259.20英文怎么表述206,259.20 , 英文里面是三位一级 , 从右往左第一个逗号念thousand , 第二个念million , 第三个念billion , 剩下的都是几百几十的了就好念了 。所以206259.20念作:206thousand 259 point 20,206念作two hundred and
six,259念作two hundred and fifty-nine,20念作twenty , 完整的就是two hundred and six thousand two hundred and fifty-nine point twenty 。可以在thousand那里停顿一下 。

