
1.月饼的英文介绍怎么写according to legend, in ancient china, emperors had the sun in spring, autumn ritual sacrifice months. in the civil, every august mid-autumn festival, also about worship or sacrifice on the custom of months. "on august 15 children round the mid-autumn moon cake and sweet incense," and this name saying daochu moon night of urban and rural people, the custom of eating moon cake. upon first moon cake moon festival of sacrifice to, then it gradually mooncake and eat moon cake, as a symbol of family reunion, will become gradually moon cake festival gifts.moon cake, first originated in the tang army celebration party food. emperor in tang dynasty years, the big campaign against the huns victorious general li jing, 15 august a triumphant return.turpan was some business offering cake to the tang emperor celebration party. emperor li yuan took the beautiful cake box, took out a round cake, laughing that the air moon said: "the cake should be invited hu toad." having to eat cake and give the ministers.song wuzi mu's "dreams of" the book have been "moon cake" word, but the taste of the mid-autumn months, the deion of eating moon cake is the ming dynasty, "west lake chi will" have written: "august 15 that the mid-autumn festival, moon cake with civil to left, taking the meaning of reunion. " to the qing dynasty, on the record would increase the moon cake, and making more and more sophisticated.moon cake to today, a greater variety, taste different from place to place. one beijing-style, soviet-style, cantonese, chaozhou-style moon cake so widely around the country by people like eating north and south.moon cake symbolizes reunion, the mid-autumn festival will eat the product. night at the festival, people also eat some watermelon, fruit, fruit reunion, pray his family happy, happiness, and peace.翻译:相传我国古代,帝王就有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制 。
在民间,每逢八月中秋,也有左右拜月或祭月的风俗 。“八月十五月儿圆,中秋月饼香又甜”,这句名谚道出中秋之夜城乡人民吃月饼的习俗 。
月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼,作为家人团圆的象征,慢慢月饼也就成了节日的礼品 。月饼,最初起源于唐朝军队祝捷食品 。
唐高祖年间,大将军李靖征讨匈奴得胜,八月十五凯旋而归 。当时有人经商的吐鲁番人向唐朝皇帝献饼祝捷 。
高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍” 。说完把饼分给群臣一起吃 。
南宋吴自牧的《梦梁录》一书,已有“月饼”一词,但对中秋尝月,吃月饼的描述,是明代的《西湖游览志会》才有记载:“八月十五日谓之中秋,民间以月饼相遗,取团圆之义” 。到了清代,关于月饼的记载就多起来了,而且制作越来越精细 。
月饼发展到今日,品种更加繁多,风味因地各异 。其中京式、苏式、广式、潮式等月饼广为我国南北各地的人们所喜食 。
月饼象征着团圆,是中秋佳节必食之品 。在节日之夜,人们还爱吃些西瓜、水果等团圆的果品,祈祝家人生活美满、甜蜜、平安 。
2.如何做月饼的英语作文In the crust:100 g,5 g milk powder,into syrup 75 grams,1 gram of soap water,corn oil,25 grams. Fillings:about 400 grams bean paste filling,salted egg yellow 10. Above reference component:weighing about 75 grams of the surface of the moon cake 10 brush liquid:egg yolk,water (1 + 1 TBSP egg white to make egg yolk) baked:185 degrees,in the middle,about 20 minutes. Bake out after 5 minutes to finalize the design water brush egg yolk. The production process:1,gauge water is added into syrup in mixing. 2,in the mixture and syrup,add corn oil,and mixing evenly,pour into the sieve the flour and milk powder. 3,knead into dough,knead dough bag wrap to stand for more than an hour. 4,the salty yolk in the vegetable oil for half an hour,remove the smell. 5,dividing the red bean paste into small pieces,after the dough and let stand good also divided into corresponding small portions,skin and stuffing in principle is the proportion of 2:8. But I think a novice like me,you should change the proportion to 3:7,if you want to make a 75 grams of moon cakes,the cakes leather group is divided into 20 g a,red bean paste with egg yolk is 55 grams. This skin can better completely enveloped the stuffing. 6,take a red bean paste according to the flat,into an egg yolks,convergent,and rub it into a round shape. 7,take a group of bread leather,palm squash,bread leather ball is sticky,adhesion in the palm to make flour. Put bean paste filling in the middle of the dough. 8,the crust with two hands push up slowly,wrapped in red bean,continue to push up,until he had completely cover the bean paste,as far as possible let the crust thickness even,do not betrayed. After 9,package,into a ball,the ball on the shoot a little flour,convenient for stripping,the ball of dough on the baking tray paved the tin foil,moon cake mold directly in the dough,press the mooncake pattern. 10 and spray some water in the surface of the moon cake,in the good preheat the oven to 185 degrees for the baking. Bake for about 5 minutes,finalize the design after the moon cakes such as decorative pattern,out on the brush egg yolk,water,only surface brush,side brush,not put in the oven,bread skin evenly after is ok. Altogether it will take about 20 minutes,the time for your reference,please according to the actual circumstance of the oven. 11,just baked moon cakes,cake skin is very dry out,completely cooled,stored in one or two days time,crust will gradually become soft,the surface will produce a layer of oil lip gloss,is the oil return everyone say,hey hey! After the oil return can eat. 在地壳:100克,5克奶粉、糖75克,1克肥皂水,玉米油,25克 。