
1.皮肤光滑,英文怎么说small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America.
北美洲中部和西部皮肤光滑并坚硬的小型活动隐秘的蛙 。
the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious.
头足类动物的皮肤很细腻光滑 。
He marveled at the morbidezza of the ltalian women.
他对意大利女性皮肤之细腻大为激赏 。
Her skin is as smooth as silk.
她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑 。
Her skin is still as smooth as a baby's bottom.
她的皮肤仍然十分柔软、光滑 。
She has kept her skin smooth all these years by rubbing cream on (her face) every night of her life.
这么多年来,他一直坚持每天晚上擦护肤脂来保持皮肤光滑 。
trees with rough bark; rough ground; a rough ride; rough skin; rough blankets; his unsmooth face; unsmooth writing.
有着粗糙树皮的树;粗糙的地面;粗野的驾驶;粗糙的皮肤;粗毛毯子;不光滑的脸;不流畅的作品 。
skin of marmoreal smoothness.
似大理石般光滑的皮肤 。
smooth skin; a smooth tabletop; smooth fabric; a smooth road; water as smooth as a mirror.
光滑的皮肤;平滑的桌面;上好的纺织品;平坦的公路;像镜子一样平的水面 。
Satin with a polish.
2.皮肤光滑,英文怎么说small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America.北美洲中部和西部皮肤光滑并坚硬的小型活动隐秘的蛙 。
the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious.头足类动物的皮肤很细腻光滑 。He marveled at the morbidezza of the ltalian women.他对意大利女性皮肤之细腻大为激赏 。
Her skin is as smooth as silk.她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑 。Her skin is still as smooth as a baby's bottom.她的皮肤仍然十分柔软、光滑 。
She has kept her skin smooth all these years by rubbing cream on (her face) every night of her life.这么多年来,他一直坚持每天晚上擦护肤脂来保持皮肤光滑 。trees with rough bark; rough ground; a rough ride; rough skin; rough blankets; his unsmooth face; unsmooth writing.有着粗糙树皮的树;粗糙的地面;粗野的驾驶;粗糙的皮肤;粗毛毯子;不光滑的脸;不流畅的作品 。
skin of marmoreal smoothness.似大理石般光滑的皮肤 。smooth skin; a smooth tabletop; smooth fabric; a smooth road; water as smooth as a mirror.光滑的皮肤;平滑的桌面;上好的纺织品;平坦的公路;像镜子一样平的水面 。
Satin with a polish.光滑的缎子 。

