霜降是二十四节气中的第十八个节气 , 是秋冬的交界点 。 此时 , 天气渐寒 , 万物收敛 , 桂落地 , 香入土 , 柿燃枝 , 阴气始凝 。
一夜寒霜 , 绿意逐渐隐去 。 霜降时节 , 黄河流域出现白霜 , 枯黄的树叶片片凋落 。 正如王凯生的中国画作品《霜降》所描绘的:叶子上布满了银色的冰晶 , 通过抽象提炼的叶子外形 , 如巨大的雪花铺满画面 。 背景大面积的留白和前景中树叶丰富的层次形成对比 。 作品色调清冷 , 寂寥、寒冷之气跃然纸上 。
秋风万里 , 草木黄落 。 霜降时节的大地是浓郁的 。 “霜叶红于二月花” , 在秋霜的抚慰下 , 大自然的调色盘里多了几抹耀眼的暖色 , 漫山遍野的树木变成红黄色 , 如火似锦 。 李春海的作品《霜降》用水墨描绘了层林尽染的深秋景色 。 红褐色和浅青色层层晕染 , 笔触生动 , 墨色浓淡相间 , 秋意扑面而来 。
深秋 , 万物凋零 , 但又硕果累累 。 俗语说 , “霜打柿子红如火” , 霜降正是柿子成熟的时节 , 因此有霜降吃柿子的习俗 。 霜降时 , 柿子像小灯笼一样挂在枝头 , 焕发生机 。 插画家木壳人的作品《霜降》中 , 小女孩拿着长竹竿打柿子 , 柿子树下的大白鹅张嘴迎接即将掉落的果实 , 俏皮可爱 。 画面以暖色调为主 , 活泼生动的形象施以淡彩 , 清新自然 , 一派丰收热闹的景象 。
霜降时节不受雪霜的 , 除了菊花 , 还有竹 。 苏东坡曾这样歌颂竹子:“结根岂殊众 , 修柯独出林 。 孤高不可恃 , 岁晚霜风侵 。 ”刘珍清的画作《岁晚霜风侵》 , 用水墨描绘了玉立霜风中的竹 。 画面中的竹瘦而劲秀 , 笔墨精妙 , 长短疏密 , 变化相宜 。
“蒹葭苍苍 , 白露为霜” , 秋天从白露到寒露 , 再到霜降 , 仿佛一幅不断流转的水墨画 。 露水凝结 , 草木黄落 , 冬之始也 。
Frost Descent, the 18th of the 24 solar terms, marks the transition from autumn to winter. At this time, the weather becomes cold, and all living things are bracing themselves for the arrival of winter.
When frost comes, green leaves begin to turn yellow. During this period of solar term, frost appears in the Yellow River Basin, and withered leaves fall off from trees. In Wang Kaisheng's Chinese painting Frost Descent, the leaves are covered with silver ice crystals. Leaves, painted with broad sketches, look like a huge snowflake. Layers of leaves are in sharp contrast with large white space in the background. The painting thus has a touch of coldness and loneliness.
The autumn wind turns grass yellow. When frost descends, the land is rich in color. As a line of a Chinese poem describes, “Frost-bitten leaves look redder than spring flowers”. Frost adds to the beautiful autumn landscape, with woods turning red and yellow like fire. Li Chunhai's ink painting Frost Descent presents the fascinating scenery of woods in a burst of colors of red, brown and light cyan in late autumn.
Late autumn is also the season for fruits to ripen. As the saying goes, “Frost-bitten persimmon is as red as fire.” Persimmons hang on the branches, just like small lanterns, ready for picking, so Frost Descent is also the time to eat persimmons. In illustrator Mukeren's work Frost Descent, a little girl is knocking persimmons off the tree with a bamboo pole, and a white goose under the tree reaches out its neck to pick the falling fruits. Painted with light and vivid colors, the picture depicts a lively scene of harvest.
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