|二十四节气中的中华文化|霜降:霜花满枝头( 二 )
Both chrysanthemum and bamboo are free of frost bite, which won the admiration of the famous Song Dynasty poet Su Shi (1037-1101). “Even if the bamboo has no one but itself to rely on, it shows no fear to frost and wind.” An ink painting No Fear of Frost and Wind by Liu Zhenqing depicts with exquisite brushstrokes bamboos standing full of life and vitality in frost and wind.
“Green, green the reed, Dew and frost gleam.” (Translated by Professor Yuanchong Xu) From White Dew to Cold Dew, autumn is like an unfolding scroll of ink painting. With the descent of frost, one knows winter is on its way.
文字素材来源:《光明日报》(2020年10月25日 11版)
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