and|Assignment写作应该分步骤完成( 二 )

学会做一个积极阅读的反思性读者(reflective reader)后 , 学术写作的下个步骤即是丰富Assignment内容 , 成为积极并具反思性的作家 。 只要做到这点 , 在写作的过程中便能从批判的角度来分析主题和Assignment 。 要达到这个目的 , 必须不断地精炼Assignment 。 作为一名学者 , 切忌安于现状 , 最好是不断检讨 , 并时时放开胸怀捕捉偶发想法、注意相关细节、见微知著 , 这样一来 , 就连作家也会对自己的作品感到惊讶 。 Assignment写作结构技巧了解:
Where beginning writers sometimes go wrong in this is to become chronic in their open-mindedness.While an open mind assures that the topic of a paper is explored thoroughly,resulting in few if any gaping holes in logic or fact,only pure philosophers perched on mountaintops have the luxury of pondering endlessly.The rest of us must reach conclusions and,in respect to academic papers,express them conclusively.So at some point,exploration must cease.Shallow scholarship can occur from too much indecisive exploration just as it can from material-skimming.
初次尝试撰写学术性Assignment , 常犯的错误即是习惯性地维持「心胸开阔」 。 虽然维持心胸开阔有助于深入探讨Assignment主题 , 并减少逻辑或事实论据上的错误 , 不过只有纯粹的哲学家才有那样的余裕来仔细琢磨深思 。 一般人只能总结Assignment , 特别是学术Assignment方面 , 应尽力作出结论 。 因此 , 对主题的探究终须止息 。 不光是在学术方面的不足 , 浅薄的学术成就也一样能在絮絮叨叨的探究下展现出来 。
To avoid the embarrassment of being unable to sum up and finish a paper,a writer should be systematic in his exploration.Don't just have a flash of insight,ponder it a moment,and work ahead with the good intention of returning to it.Rather,take time to write down the essence of the thought in a ledger.Then in a free moment,return to the noted thought and really examine it.Does it have sufficient merit to develop and include in the paper?Does it add value to the paper?If not,dismiss it.If it has possibilities,take time to explore it.Stay alert to insight;it can change a paper.
【and|Assignment写作应该分步骤完成】为了避免无法作出结论的尴尬 , 身为作者应当系统化其研究方式 , 避免在有写作灵感后废时思量 , 继续埋头苦干 。 相反地 , 作者应当花时间记下重点看法 , 并于闲暇之时回顾 , 然后才检讨这些想法:是否值得在Assignment中发展讨论呢?能替Assignment内容加分吗?如果不行 , 就应当放弃 。 如果有发展的可能 , 花时间探讨 。 只要维持警醒的洞察力 , 必能改变Assignment内容 。