第一步:当个会思考的读者Part 1:Be a thinking reader
Sometimes we sit and read for pure pleasure.The book being read often is escapist material of some sort—an adventure story,perhaps—and our conscious minds usually don't play an active role in evaluating what we are reading.But when we research books and other materials in preparation for writing a paper,unthinking reading is verboten.A scholar collecting material must be fully engaged during his reading of relevant material to extract from it not only the facts,but the nuances,such as valuable contextual material and allusions to previously unknown sources.
有时候 , 坐下来阅读纯粹只为了享受 。 所读的书 , 像是冒险小说等 , 通常是我们用以逃避现实的工具 , 而我们的理性逻辑思维并不会特别深究我们正在阅读的题材 。 但是当我们为了写报告而钻研书籍以及其他素材时 , 未经思索的阅读是不被允许的 。 当一名学者搜集资料时 , 他必须完全置身于阅读或是其他相关素材之中 , 以摘取枝微末节 , 像是有价值的上下文内容以及一些来源不明的典故 。
Being fully engaged means more than following the gist of an author's argument or report.That is important,of course;when we don't understand what we are reading,we have a problem right from the start.Presuming we can follow the thread of an author's writing,we have only begun our engagement with the author.A critical thinker is free to challenge a writer's assertions,or question a premise.A scholar should not be a sponge reader,soaking up every word and opinion.Rather he should be a reflective reader,actively evaluating what he is taking into his head.
「完全置身其中」意指明白作者的论点或者报告纲领 。 这当然是相当重要的;如果我们不能明白正在阅读的内容 , 那么研究一开始就出问题了 。 假设我们能够理解作者写作的脉络 , 就能与作者一同置身作品之中 。 具批判性的思考写作有可能挑战作者的主张 , 也可能质疑作者假设的论点 。 一个学者不能当一个只进不出的海绵 , 把每一个字或想法都吸收进去 。 相反地 , 他应该要当一个反思性读者(reflective reader) , 能积极地评断所获得的想法 。
Reflective reading is facilitated by reading with pen or pencil in hand.A sentence that seems brimming with truth or falsehood might be underlined.A conclusion that seems very awry might deserve a notation in the margins of the page.A phrase that stirs your emotions—negatively or positively—warrants underlining for later examination.This is how a thinking person explores research material.The fruit of it is better grounding in a subject,finer understanding of an author,and perhaps inspiration for a related academic paper that he didn't even know he had in him.
阅读时准备一支笔或是铅笔以供书写 , 能有助于反思性的阅读 。 看起来不确定正确或错误的句子都可画线注记 , 看似怪诞模糊的结论也可在页面上加以注释 。 遇到带有情绪性字眼的片语 , 不论是正面或是负面的 , 都应当先画线 , 待稍后回头检查 。 这就是一个会思考的读者面对研究素材的态度 。 这么做会建立更稳健的论点基础 , 更了解作者 , 甚至透过这样的启发 , 进而让自己撰写出全新领域的学术Assignment 。
第二步:当个会思考的作者Part 2:Be a thinking writer
Having developed skills as an engaged and reflective reader,an academic writer's next step in enriching a paper is to become an engaged and reflective writer.By doing so,a scholar is able to critically analyze a subject and paper as a writing project proceeds.This leads to constant refinement of a paper.Status quo is not a mental condition that serves a scholar well.The better condition is progressive evaluation,in which a writer keeps an open mind to fleeting thoughts,tangential considerations,and nuanced angles.In this way,a writer can surprise even himself.
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