
【|【中英双语】惠州罗浮山上藏着一个“书法展览馆”】Scattered on the cliffs of beautiful valley and famous waterfalls, the carvings on the cliffs of Luofu Mountain in Huizhou show precious ink treasures left by famous masters in past dynasties.
散落在秀谷幽岩和飞瀑名泉的石壁上 , 惠州罗浮山摩崖石刻展示着历代名家大师留下的珍贵墨宝 。

It is not only a natural cultural landscape, but also a historical heritage. In 1989, cliff carvings on Luofu Mountain were listed as cultural relic protection units in Guangdong Province.
它像是天然的“书法展览馆” , 不仅是自然人文景观 , 更是历史文化遗产 。 1989年 , 罗浮山摩崖石刻被列入广东省文物保护单位 。

Today, this "cultural treasure" still attracts many culture lovers to study it assiduously.
时至今日 , 这一“文化宝藏”仍吸引着许多文化爱好者孜孜不倦地研究 。

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 陈婉允