
1. 要写一篇英文的投诉信 以邮件的格式 麻烦专业人士告诉我格式 在线等 Dear__被投诉人_____ , 
I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______.
The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______________(总体介绍). In the first place , _________________________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition ,  ____________________________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to ____________________________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).
I appreciate it very much if you could_______________________(提出建议和请求) ,  preferably __________(进一步的要求) ,  and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).
Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
2. 求大虾指点英文投诉邮件怎么写 To whom it may concern,
Although the goods just arrived, our supplier had already delayed sending out them for a long time. And they even objected to taking their responsibility to afford the shipping expense. Therefore, we wrote this mail to request a refund from them for our loss.
3. 商务英语邮件写作:投诉邮件怎么写 小编导读:在日常商务合作中 , 要做到事事顺利并不容易 。
有时 , 我们不得不写投诉邮件向对方complain , 并期待对方收到complaint之后 , 能及时解决问题 。那么 , 写投诉邮件时 , 该如何措辞、拿捏语气态度 , 从而做到既解决问题又不影响今后的合作呢?沪江英语教研团队教你英语投诉邮件写作技巧! 投诉邮件的写作中 , 我们需要根据事态的严重程度选择合适的语气和态度 , 这样的选择就体现在措辞中 。
首先 , 如果问题是第一次出现 , 那么你大可不必小题大做 , 你可以先make a mild complaint(温和地提醒下对方) 。我们来看一个例子: Dear Sir: I'm writing in connection with my booking with you for an adventure holiday to Peru 。
On the 19th of May, I sent you a check for $390 as a deposit 。Unfortunately, I have not yet received a receipt for this 。
I would be grateful if you could send me this as soon as possible 。I look forward to hearing from you 。
Yours, Margareta Lindell 这封邮件结构清晰 , 写邮件的人语气也比较温和 , 并没有什么过激的言辞 。complaint的核心句是Unfortunately, I have not yet received a receipt for this 。
I would be grateful if you could send me this as soon as possible 。邮件写作者在描述问题时只是说明了事实本身(没有收到发票) , 紧接着作者还提出了针对这个问题自己希望得到的解决方案(希望能尽快送到) , 除此之外 , 并没有带上任何负面情绪 。
这让收到邮件的人感觉很舒服 , 也知道自己是在跟一个reasonable的人交流 , 这样邮件使整个交流充满了正能量 , 有利于问题的解决 。因此 , 当make a mild complaint时 , 可以分两步走: 1 。
描述事实本身 可用句型:Unfortunately , … 2 。提出解决问题的方案 可用句型:Pleasecould you… We would be grateful if you could… 当然 , 如果第一次投诉未果 , 你可以再发一次complaint 。
【投诉的英文邮件怎么写】 而这一次 , 你的语气可以更强烈一些 , make a point , 让对方知道:don't take me for granted 。当make a point时 , 你可以使用这些句型: I should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)… I should like to remind you that… I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that… 对方从你的措辞中可以感受到你的态度:It's over the line 。