
1. 太阳的英文怎么写 sun1
/sʌn; sʌn/ n 1 (also the sun) [sing] the star around which the earth orbits and from which it receives lightand warmth 太阳; 日: the sun's rays 太阳的光线 * sendinga space probe to the sun 向太阳发射一个航天探测器 * A watery sun shone through the rain-clouds. 太阳透过雨云发出有雨意的光. 2 (also the sun) [sing, U] light and warmth from the sun; sunshine 太阳的光和热; 日光; 阳光: sit in the sun 坐在阳光下 * have the sun in one's eyes 阳光照眼 * draw the curtains to shut out/let in the sun 拉窗帘遮蔽[放进]阳光 * I like lots of sun on holiday. 我喜欢在假日里多晒太阳. 3 [C] any star, esp one around which planets orbit 星体; (尤指)恒星: There are many suns larger than ours. 有许多恒星比我们的太阳还要大. 4 (idm 习语) catch the sun => catch1.make hay while the sun shines => hay. a place in the sun => place1. under the `sun (anywhere) in the world 在世界上(任何地方): the best wine under the sun 世界上最好的酒 * every country under the sun 世界上每一个国家. with the `sun at dawn or sunset 在日出或日落时; 在黎明或傍晚时分: get up/go to bed with the sun 黎明即起[日落而息].
v (-nn-) [Tn] `~ oneself expose oneself to the rays of the sun 晒太阳: He sat in a deck-chair `sunning himself. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳.
abbr 缩写 = Sunday: Sun 1 June 6月1日,星期日.
2. 阳光英文怎么写 阳光的英文:sunshine
英 [?s?n?a?n] 美 [?s?n?a?n]
n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活
例:She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine.
她那时正坐在一个咖啡馆外明媚的阳光里 。
1、in the sunshine 在阳光下
2、sunshine duration 日照时间;日照延时
3、sunshine hotel 阳光酒店
4、brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光
【日光英语怎么写】5、sunshine coast 阳光海岸
英 [?s?nla?t] 美 [?s?nla?t]
n. 日光
例:I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.
我看见她坐在临窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中 。
英 [?a?n] 美 [?a?n]
vi. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众
vt. 照射,擦亮;把…的光投向
例:It is a mild morning and the sun is shining.
这是一个和煦的早晨,太阳在照耀着 。
3. 太阳的英文怎么写 太阳的英文为sun 。
双语例句:太阳无情地烧烤着我们 。The sun is roasting us mercilessly.银河系外的有些星体其光度超过太阳 。
Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun.我们能换一下位置吗?我想在太阳下面坐一坐 。Can we change over? I'd like to sit in the sun.她伸开四肢躺在太阳下 。
She's stretched out in the sun.他六点钟来的,那时太阳正落山 。He came at six, when the sun was setting.如果你用取火镜使太阳光线在聚焦在干木头上,木头就会燃烧起来 。
If you focus the sun's rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning.玛丽的脸色是棕色的,且太阳已晒白了她的发梢 。Mary's face was brown and the sun had bleached the ends of her hair 。
4. 阳光英文怎么写 阳光的英文:sunshine 一、词汇解析 sunshine 英 [?s?n?a?n] 美 [?s?n?a?n] n. 阳光;愉快;晴天;快活 例:She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine. 她那时正坐在一个咖啡馆外明媚的阳光里 。
二、关于sunshine的短语 1、in the sunshine 在阳光下 2、sunshine duration 日照时间;日照延时 3、sunshine hotel 阳光酒店 4、brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光 5、sunshine coast 阳光海岸 扩展资料 近义词 1、sunlight 英 [?s?nla?t] 美 [?s?nla?t] n. 日光 例:I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight. 我看见她坐在临窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中 。2、shine 英 [?a?n] 美 [?a?n] vi. 发出光;反射光,闪耀;表现突出;露出;照耀;显露;出众 vt. 照射,擦亮;把…的光投向 例:It is a mild morning and the sun is shining. 这是一个和煦的早晨,太阳在照耀着 。