时间安排怎么写英语( 三 )

I referred to my watch for the exact time.我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间 。Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock.这酒馆的打烊时间是十一点 。
二、用作动词 (v.)The experienced car racer can always time his start to perfection.那位经验丰富的车手总是能够完美地掌握出发的时间 。To time a race is to see how long it takes.赛跑计时就是看看比赛要花多少时间 。
This egg is hard---you didn't time it properly.这鸡蛋煮老了---你没掌握好火候.He timed that shot beautifully.他这一击时间恰到好处 。三、用作形容词 (adj.)The earth is divided into 24 time zones.地球被分为二十四个时区 。
The heating is on a time switch.暖气靠定时开关自动供热 。The police defected a time bomb in the building.警察在那幢大楼里查出一枚定时炸弹 。
7. 行程安排 英文 行程安排的S发音的单词是scheduling 。
n. 时序安排,行程安排
v. 把…列入计划;为…制定时间表(schedule的现在分词)
scheduling problem 排定问题
scheduling algorithm [计]调度算法
production scheduling 生产调度
scheduling system 调度程序系统
gain scheduling 增益规划;增益排程
scheduling program 日程安排
1、If the multi-tier scheduling technique seems simple, that's because it is.
如果多层时间安排技术看起来简单,这是因为它确实简单 。
2、I find this method of scheduling to be the most efficient I've tried so far.
我发现这种日程安排的方法是迄今为止试过的方法当中最有效的 。
3、This result can be explained by the behavior of RT thread scheduling.
出现这样的结果可以用RT线程调度的行为来解释 。
4、For example, round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself.
例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的 。
5、Job scheduling and expiration: You can make jobs available immediately or at some point in the future.
作业计划和有效期:可以让作业立即可用,或者在将来的某个时间点可用 。

