
n.鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分;
vt.嗅出,闻出; 用鼻子触; 用鼻子品评(酒)等; 探出;
vi.小心探索着前进; 探问;
1.N-COUNT鼻子Your nose is the part of your face which sticks out above your mouth. You use it for smelling and breathing.语法信息
【nose的音标o怎么写】She wiped her nose with a tissue 。
她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子 。
2.N-COUNT(汽车或飞机的)前部;车头;机头The nose of a vehicle such as a car or aeroplane is the front part of it.语法信息
Sue parked off the main street, with the van's nose pointing away from the street.
2.nose的音标nose 英[n z] 美[no z]
n. 鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分;
vt. 嗅出,闻出; 用鼻子触; 用鼻子品评(酒)等; 探出;
vi. 小心探索着前进; 探问;
[例句]She wiped her nose with a tissue
她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:noses 复数:noses 现在分词:nosing 过去式:nosed过去分词:nosed