
1.求助,英文中国56个民族简介怎么写,===========================56 ethnic groups within China===========================Ethnic minorities in China refer to the non-Han Chinese population in mainland China and Taiwan. The People's Republic of China (PRC) officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition to the Han majority. As of 2005, the combined population of officially recognised minority groups numbered at 123.33 million, comprising 9.44% of mainland China and Taiwan's total population. In addition to these officially recognized ethnic minority groups, there are PRC nationals who privately classify themselves as members of unrecognized ethnic groups (such as Jewish, Tuvan, Oirat and Ili Turki). Also, foreign nationals who have become Chinese citizens form yet another separate group.In general, the officially recognized ethnic minority groups reside within mainland China, with the exception of the Taiwanese aborigines. The Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan officially recognises 13 Taiwanese aborigine groups, while the People's Republic of China classifies them all as a single ethnic minority group, the Gaoshan. Hong Kong and Macau do not use this ethnic classification system, and figures by the PRC government do not include the two territories.These ethnic minority groups, together with the Han majority, make up the greater Chinese nationality known as Zhonghua Minzu.Most ethnic groups are distinctive from one another, but there are some that are very similar to the Han majority group. For example, most Hui Chinese are indistinguishable from Han Chinese except for the fact that they practice Islam.Some of the ethnic groups as classified by the PRC government contain, within themselves, diverse groups of people. Various groups of the Miao minority, for example, speak different dialects of the Hmong-Mien languages, Tai-Kadai languages, and Chinese languages, and practice a variety of different cultural customs. Some ethnic groups with smaller populations are simply classified by the PRC together with another distinct ethnic group, such as the case with the Utsuls of Hainan being classified as part of the Hui minority, and the Chuanqing being classified as part of the Han majority.While Han Chinese make up the vast majority of China's total population, the population distribution is highly uneven with large parts of western China having Han Chinese as a minority.The multi-ethnic nature of China is a result of many centuries of assimilation, expansion and modern consolidation of territories incorporated during the Qing Dynasty, whose emperors were themselves Manchu and not members of the Han majority. Today, modern Chinese ethnic theory is heavily influenced by that of the Soviet Union.The degree of integration of ethnic minorities with the national mainstream community varies widely from group to group. With some groups, such as the Tibetans and the Uyghurs, there is some resentment against the majority. Other groups such as the Zhuang, Manchu, Hui, and Koreans are well integrated into the national community. 。
2.请问写英文简历时“民族”,“学历”该用什么词如果是给外国人看而写英文简历……没必要加民族的 。
注意到,上面各简历根本不写民族的 。
另外也可以看见,个人简历放的资料,顺序都有所不同 。一般来说是,在同一栏目下(比如学历,工作经验)把最近的事情放第一,把最早的事情放最后 。另外把你最想突出的事情,或者是最重要的事情放在第一位 。例如,如果你现在还是学生的话,那么就把学历放第一位,然后再写工作经验 。如果你已经工作很久了,就可以先写工作经历 。
3.英文个人简历里的“国籍“怎么写1、Country of birth-出生国家,中国学生填'P.R.China' 。Nationality-国籍,中国籍学生填'Chinese' 。因为CHINA只能表明出生地,而CHINESE可以说明你是中国人 。