
1.怎么用英文描述重庆可以参见重庆市政府官方网站的英文版 。
Over 3000 years in history and local culture,
The youngest municipality of China,
The largest inland city of rivers and mountains on the planet,
The city of miracles,
This is new Chongqing,
The economic center of the upper Yangtze,
Prepared to embrace the rest of the world.
This is Chongqing, one of the four Chinese cities identified on the world map at the UN General Assembly Hall.
Chongqing is famous for the towering mountains and roaring rivers, which have witnessed the local civilization of over 3000 years.
Chongqing maintains its regional importance in defense, politics, trade, and logistics for long; its glories and growth marked the history of China. In the recent 100 years, Chongqing was first the commercial and trade center of the region, then the wartime capital of then China and now on the path for greater prospect. It was an ancient military fort and now the hub connecting China's vast west and eastern coast as well as the rest of the world. It was China's ancient regional trade center and now the economic center of the upper Yangtze. It was a town specialized in entrepot trade and now the largest industrial & commercial city of the region. It was a port city based in the Sichuan Basin and now a municipality opened to the whole world.
Chongqing is now at a new momentum, a momentum for broader achievements. This attributes to three unprecedented opportunities: the construction of the Three Gorges Dam Project and the migration of residents in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, the establishment of the municipality directly under the central government, and China's Go West Strategy. This brings new vigor, new vision to Chongqing and turns a new folio on Chongqing's history.
2.重庆的桥英文介绍Chongqing, known as the capital of bridge in China, is a landscape of the city.重庆是一个以“桥都”文明的山水之城 。
The bridge plays an important role in the city.桥,在重庆扮演了一个非常重要的角色 。More than 4500 bridges exist in Chongqing,such as: the Jialing River in urban area and on less than 10 bridges cross the Yangtse River.现有各类桥梁4500多座,主城嘉陵江和长江上已有大桥数十座. 。
3.重庆的英文名叫什么重庆的英文名叫Chongqing,Chungking 。
重庆位于中国西南部、长江上游地区,地跨东经105°11'~110°11'、北纬28°10'~32°13'之间的青藏高原与长江中下游平原的过渡地带 。东邻湖北、湖南,南靠贵州,西接四川,北连陕西;辖区东西长470千米,南北宽450千米,幅员面积8.24万平方千米 。
重庆北有大巴山,东有巫山,东南有武陵山,南有大娄山 。重庆主城区海拔高度多在168~400米之间 。市内最高峰为巫溪县东部边缘的界梁山主峰阴条岭,海拔2796.8米;最低为巫山县长江水面,海拔73.1米 。
重庆属亚热带季风性湿润气候,年平均气温16~18℃,长江河谷的巴南、綦江、云阳等地达18.5℃以上,东南部的黔江、酉阳等地14~16℃,东北部海拔较高的城口仅13.7℃,最热月份平均气温26~29℃,最冷月平均气温4~8℃,采用候温法可以明显地划分四季 。
年平均降水量较丰富,大部分地区在1000~1350毫米,降水多集中在5~9月,占全年总降水量的70%左右,春夏之交夜雨尤甚,素有“巴山夜雨”之说 。
重庆是长江上游地区的“会展之都”,拥有“渝洽会”、“云计算博览会”、“渝交会”、“汽车工业展”、“西部农交会”、“立嘉机械展”、“老年产业博览会”、“休闲立业博览会”、“四季购物节”等一大批展会;重庆先后荣膺“中国节庆名城”、“中国十大影响力会展城市”、“中国最佳会展目的地城市”等称号 。
重庆是长江上游乃至中国西部最大的内陆港口城市,也是长江上游航运中心 。域内长江、嘉陵江及其支流形成了以重庆市区为中心的长江上游水运网,通航河流达136条 。