
1.论文的related works是什么意思related works的中文翻译 related works 相关作品 双语例句 1 There remains plenty of related works in the delay-tolerant network architecture. 延迟容忍网络的架构中尚存在很多未研究的课题 。
2 The research results of TH COW and their comparison with related works are also given. 给出了清华并行机群TH-COW系统中这些技术的研究结果以及与相关工作的比较 。
2.这个作文怎么写首先要理解personal/work challenges是啥意思,每个人有每个人的理解,按自己的想法写,别太偏就行 。
看了下,简单说下自己的思路供你参考:首先确定方向是大体Agree,但是要有转折:第一段搞背景,2句就成,废话多了没用 。第二段说由于时间不同people today和their (grand)parents的challenges是有一定的区别的,然后开始举例,一个例子完了跟一句自己的解释,举2~3个例子 。
比如:1.WORK:过去生活水平大不如现在,work challenge就是挣够钱养家糊口就成,而现在的work challenge是如何才能更快的在职场中get promoted;2.PERSONAL: 过去student的personal challenge是如何用笔写好一篇自己构想的作文,而现在是如何用先进的电子设备帮助自己查阅更多资料后写出一篇更有深度的作文//过去的architect的challenge是如何建造一所工人居住的房子,而现在是如何建造更舒适、更环保、更好看的房子(这个也可以是personal) 3. PERSONAL/WORK:你还可以举低碳的例子,这个既是personal又是work-related的,过去人民都不讲低碳,现在global warming不讲低碳不行了,所以人民开始改变自己的生活习惯——这就是一种不小的challenge 。写完例子最好跟句解释的话 。
第三段说尽管challenge看起来不同,但其中的本质却是相同的 。这里最好和上面两个例子呼应,比如你举一个student写作业的例子,其本质都是通过student掌握的信息来完成文字的创造、都是把自己的思想付诸于纸上的一个过程;再比如你还举了一个global warming的例子,虽然过去人民还没有对全球变暖的顾虑,但其实那时人民也有其他的顾虑,比如医疗不发达担心人病死、吃不饱、穿不暖,究其本质,这些challenge都是由人类科技水平的限制造成的人们对未来生活的畏惧 。
//写完了这段结束总结下 。第四段大总结,凝练3句话,简单的说就是:第一句背景;第二句challeng看似不同;第三句challenge的本质都一样 。
//感觉TOEFL最后一段可写可不写,看时间而定吧,有时间就写 。希望这些思路更帮到你 。
3.Prior Experience怎么写UCD的prior experience的要求写的是
Please list your research, teaching, lab, studio, and/or other related work experiences. You may include any relevant internship experiences, exhibitions, publications, travel or study Abroad, special projects, foreign language proficiency, etc.
4.“工伤”用英语怎么说Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurance and the measures for the control of invoices were revised at the Wednesday meeting.
从上一句中我们可以看到,“Work-related Injury Insurance”是“工伤保险”的意思 。那我们平时所说的“工伤”就是“work-related injury”了 。比如说:
In chatting, he told me that his father died from a work-related injury, his mother was deeply sad.(在聊天中,他告诉我他的父亲因为工伤去世了,他妈妈极度伤心 。)
5.【myvolunteerwork作文】There is no doubt that volunteer work in China has been brought into focus throughout the world.We presented so much last year,which indeed gave the world a big surprise.Our spirits,our merits,everything we showed during the grand gathering and the disaster proved that volunteer work is necessary. As far as I am concerned.The work of helping others without payment can be of great benefit for individuals.Apart from the experience,the progress we make during the process is enough.Time permitting,we can take more responsibility outside the school and gain the pleasure. Everyone builds our society.With the economical development,we are no longer worry about our essential needs in our life.Therefore,tospare more time and to give others a helping hand can just be the right choice.Only by this means can we get to know each other better and make contributions to our society. Moreover,it is certain that there are still so many developing countries all over the world.From Ethiopia to DPRK,too many people are in badly demand of help.Our gerosity and warth means a lot.Furthermore,organization of all kinds about volunteer work will surely accelerate the process. Taking the above-mentioned factors into consideration.Raising our owareness and be helpful can definitely be so necessary.The connection between us must be permanent with our efforts of volunteer work.Therefore volunteer work is not only a political world,but a lively work related to you and me.So it stands to reason that volunteer work is necessary. 。