仙境|为什么儿童文学爱以“动物”为主角?从《柳林风声》谈起( 五 )

4.Margaret Blount, Animal Land: The Creatures ofChildren’s Literature (New York: William Morrow & Company), 1975, 146
5.Jacqueline Rose, The Case of Peter Pan or TheImpossibility of Children's Literature, (Hong Kong: The MacMillan Press LTD,1994)
6.Humphrey Carpenter, Secret Gardens, A Study ofthe Golden Age of Children's Literature, (London: George Allen & Unwin,1885)
7.Darcy, Jane. "The Representation of Naturein The Wind in the Willows and The Secret Garden." The Lion and theUnicorn 19.2 (1995): 211-22. Web. 211.
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