面对面授课另一大优势是:你可以和一个人真正地交流 。 如今 , 绝大多数人眼睛长期盯着手机 , 忙着浏览废话 。 但是 , 嘿 , 这就叫进步 , 我认为这种现象很普遍 。
Western fashion made its first steps in the streets.
All the Diversity, all the Charm, all the Beauty of Life is made of Shadow and Light (Leo Tolstoy)
生命当中的一切多元化、一切魅力、一切美好都由光和影组成(引述自莱昂?托尔斯泰)As I am used to walking with my nose in the air (paying attention to the motorbikes of the deliverymen who are the kings of the sidewalks), I could see how beautiful the city of Xiamen was, how clean it was and how it gave off a feeling of well-being and security; all these qualities that are cruelly lacking in many cities around the world today.
由于我习惯逍遥自在地散步 , 观察人行道上送货员的摩托车 , 我发现 , 厦门是多么美丽与干净的一座城市啊 , 给人一种幸福感和安全感;所有这些都是当今世界许多城市极度缺乏的 。
Of course, my grumpy old character is sometimes spurred on by certain traits of my hosts.
当然 , 我这个爱抱怨的性格有时会被我主人的某些特征所刺激 。
Whether it’s sneezing, renovating a home or business, or talking on the phone, it has to be done loudly so that everyone is aware of what’s going on. On the other hand, this has the advantage of drowning out the noise of (preferably large) car horns. As far as the administrative procedures are concerned, which are sometimes as complicated as in all administrations of the world, the lack of knowledge of the Chinese language is not an asset. But fortunately since the people of the community of Guanren “one world” are pleased to take me by the hand, these steps are no longer a problem.
不论是打喷嚏 , 翻新一所房子或者一家商铺 , 或者打电话 , 声音要大 , 这样才能让所有人知道发生了什么事 。 另一方面 , 这样做的好处是可以盖过汽车喇叭的噪音(最好是强制性地) 。 说起办理行政手续 , 有时候和世界上其他行政部门一样繁琐 。 这时候 , 不懂中文实在不算是什么长处 。 好在官任社区“同一个世界”的人善意向我伸出援手 , 这些手续就不再是个问题了 。
To conclude, I would say that the outcome of my expatriate experience in China, in spite of these minor inconveniences, which have the advantage of spicing up my life a bit, is very positive.
作为结语 , 我说 , 盘点完我在中国身为外来人的经历后 , 尽管有一些大大小小的不便 , 像是在生活中加了点辣椒 , 我的意见是人们可以更积极一点 。
Already, meeting someone else is very enriching because this person sees us and considers us as we appear, something we are unable to do, even in front of a mirror. And if this “other” has a different culture from ours, it’s all the better.
是的 , 遇见另一个人是十分充实的 , 因为当我们出现 , 这个人看见我们 , 打量我们 , 这样的事情我们自己做不到 , 即使在镜子前 。 如果这个“其他人”所属的文化与我不同 , 那就更妙了 。
It is through the “other” that I can truly grasp my existence and access a true knowledge of myself. Not to mention the fact that all cultural progress is a function of a coalition between cultures; a coalition that is all the more fertile, as it is established between more diversified cultures.
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